Identified problem Poor Public Schools Public Schools

Pasadena area should aim at achieving a higher level of public education in order for it to become a truly world class city. There are excellent public schools in the surrounding areas and there is need to improve the public schools in the City of Pasadena. This can be rather difficult and tricky due to the Cities demographics. The city itself has a large number of lower income families compared to other cities. And good public school usually comes about due to the commitment and involvement of the parents. The parents involvement in terms of money is what leads to good public schools. Pasadena city has a better economic diversity than other cities but the wealthy families do not like to invest in public schools. This has led to the creation of a huge private school industry which usually caters for the rich families children. The way it is right now is that the Pasadena society has reached a compromise and a symbiosis between the rich and the low income families. The rich send their children to the many fine private schools and the low earners send them to public schools. What I will do is that I will work with groups and schemes to demand that the public schools get better and improved facilities such that the private schools will be seen as a lesser alternative.

Leadership Pasadena program
What I aim to bring to leadership Pasadena program is my commitment, patience, my consistency in attendance and my abilities to learn quickly. I will bring evidence of my commitment to development of my community and the contribution of my talents and energies as a volunteer in community service.
Why I want to join the Pasadena Leadership program is because I want the program to help me unleash my potential as well as help me gain a deep insight into my purpose in life. I also want to learn and develop the skills that will help me lead an effective life for the benefit and good of all. I also want to know what it takes to be a great leader who can make a real difference in my community because that is what I want to become a great leader. I want to learn new skills, build my confidence and gain an understanding on how to make and bring a change in the world.

After completing the program, I will consolidate all the learning that I will have acquired and translate it into actions i.e. either through my individual actions or through group projects designed to address the needs of my constituents. I will use the empowerement I will have gained from the program, to make a difference in my community.


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