Understanding all Conflicts of the World to Resolve them

According to Noel, the white race is neither a biological nor a cultural formation it is a strategy for securing to some an advantage in a competitive society.  Yet, white privilege translates into racism, which is a belief system claiming that individuals can be superior to others on the basis of race.  Whereas white privilege is most often discussed with reference to the white-black relations in the United States, in addition to the colonial era around the world, the theory of racism has led to much violence and genocide in the world.  It was racism that led the Nazis to slaughter the Jews.  The theory of racism seems to have been applied everywhere in the world, even though universal values inform us that people who are superior are only those who do good in this world. 
I would recommend this course to every friend and policymaker in the world as it helps to strengthen ones faith in universal values.  Just as entire populations can be brainwashed to believe in the theory of racism, it is possible to undo the damage by reflecting on policies and cultures influenced by this theory.  Aiyers writing on the politics of the Americas and the United States, for example, allows the reader to remember that even national boundaries are fluid as all countries of the world took the form of Pangaea at one point, which suggests that nationalism is essentially as meaningless as the theory of racism and can be removed from our minds and policies forever.  The author states that in addition to the ongoing arms buildup, U.S. military intervention abroad has been guided by two separate yet intertwined doctrines humanitarian or democracy-building interventions and low-intensity conflict (Aiyer 241).  In other words, if the foreign policymakers of the United States had not been trained to believe in the rigidity of national boundaries, the world could have been saved from many difficulties. 
Thus, this course has trained my mind to question belief systems that are dysfunctional.  The content, organization, presentation and facilitation are perfect for the reason that they help the participant to deeply reflect on the conflicts plaguing the world with a view to resolve them.  Moreover, it has trained my mind to take an unbiased approach to race-related conflicts, regardless of whether I become a teacher or policymaker in future.  In fact, I believe that if this course were introduced in all educational institutions around the world, it would act like a savior for humanity troubled by wars, famines and other disasters day after day.  Of course, it is possible to change the content of the course to globalize it in a way that all cultures of the world may benefit from deep reflection of the issues that affect their entire lives.  In that case, academic institutions around the globe would seek to localize the content with scholarly discussions of racial conflicts in their own regions without excluding foreign policy discussions and global issues from their curriculums.   
Regardless of whether my dream to globalize this course is realized, I believe that even a small group of people acquainted with its content can make a big difference.  The course is, indeed, enlightening.  So, even though it does not entirely undo all damages inflicted by the media and racist policymakers, it trains enough minds to question dysfunctional belief systems to eventually resolve conflicts based on the same.


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