Credo Essay

Professional Credo I seek to work in a professional environment wherein I can learn to apply appropriate skills and utilize new insights towards creating an environment adaptive to my growth. In here, I seek to consolidate the application of ethical considerations and the value of professionalism as well as my personal values and principles.

Personal Credo To find purpose and meaning in every endeavor using each one as an opportunity to grow in the process and paying attention to my values and principles accordingly. My actions must construe to what I believe is right and predicated by moral standards and circumvent on rationality and appropriateness.

I chose to apply this credo in my professional practice because I believe that the work environment is an aspect wherein I can realize and fully utilize my skills and the things I had learned in life. I aspire to gain experience and new inputs in my chosen profession, it entails gaining new skills and insights that can help address the challenges and tasks of the workplace. Such capacity can then provide the necessary fulfillment and motivation to find my purpose in life.

At the same time, applying this professional credo is a manifestation of how I want to address the challenges of the workplace. I do know that challenges and hurdles exists within the organizational arena, however it is in here that I seek to apply and balance my personal values and principles to that of my chosen industry. Such capacity to address these elements can justify the actions and decisions I make today and in the future.

Given the lessons and experiences in life, I do believe that this professional credo seeks to intensify the approach towards betterment. It seeks to utilize not only the things I have learned in the past but also opens up new directions that can expand my capacity in the workplace. It is through such interplay that I can set the balance in coping with the advancement and changes happening in the workplace.
In the end, this professional credo legitimizes what I aspire to be. It becomes a solidifying mark that becomes crucial as I engage towards the industry and my colleagues. In essence, it helps me define my role within the professional realm.

Comparing this with my personal credo, I do feel that they are motivated with my specific values and ideals. As I was growing up, I gained new inputs, values, and principles with the help of different instruments such as education, my family, and community. It is through their contribution that I was able to respond and create my own value system and specific moral standards over what is right or wrong.

Seeing this, I do attribute some decisions and actions towards what I believe in. These remain to be instrumental in shaping what I want to be as a person and determine my actions. In essence, my University education provided the leverage to engage in a more effective and rational decision making. It fostered a better capacity to balance objectives and intentions accordingly by bringing out the best and worst in me. It is through such facet that I developed my professional as well as individual standards.

Overall, I do believe that the traits I gained and will continuously acquire will all shape the way I create decisions. It is through such process that I can get a clear picture of my purpose in life and redefine my capacity to become competent and adaptive in whatever career and direction I chose to be in. By balancing on all the external factors as well as the important values that I consider important, I can get a fair understanding of what I aspire and seek to become as a professional and as a person.


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