Rich and Poor

There have many controversial conclusion on whether or not eh rich are happier than the poor in our community. Richness has over the years been closely attributed to comfort, a major factor to realizing happiness in life. Opponents of this notion have however rightly claimed that happiness and comfort are quite different human achievements. As the common saying goes happiness cannot be bought in a shop. It is due to this reason that the poor will be seen as a happier population than the rich. Numerous research findings have evidently shown that the rich find happiness in their material possessions (Lundberg, 1999). Although education particularly higher education is costly, the richness can evidently compromise ones success potential. This is because the student, with much money to spend can find himself indulged in other non-academic friendly activities with friends as a way of ensuring happiness. The practice by rich students to invest in material things for happiness is addictive and can compromise the students chances of realizing sustainable happiness through success in education.

The poor on the other side will have enough time to engage with friends and family members as well as in educational activities and thus have a competitive advantage in realizing a sustainable happiness through success. As can be acknowledged by many poor students are many a time eager to ensure success in their studies. This gives them a potential competitive advantage in the academic and job sector. Still, though the poor are economically challenged and cannot qualify to by comfort, they will always invest in education, friends and the family unit (Lundberg, 1999). This means that the poor have a great chance of having sustainable happiness as the education success, family and friendship bound will always be there.


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