Food production and poverty in Third World Countries

One major  challenge  facing  third world  countries  or  developing countries  is  the issue  of  food  security and poverty. The economy of many developing nations basically depends on agriculture. The production of food through agricultural practices is a problem to third world countries leading to high rate of poverty. Lack of farming implements and poor farming techniques has led to low production of food. This has led to many families go without food for days and nights.

Poverty level in many developing countries is in the rise due to change of climate that has led to poor rainfall. Farmers in developing countries depend on rainfall and when it fails then there is no adequate production of food thus poverty is on the rise. This is the main reason why third world countries are not in the position of producing enough food for their population. A poor nation cannot have sufficient resources that may lead to good farming techniques thus these countries remain in the dark until they come up with other means of providing food to its population (Timmer, 2001). Irrigation may be considered to be the best policy but bad leadership plans have led to failure in this sector.

Causes and consequences of overpopulation in the Third World Countries
Third world countries are very much overpopulated and this is caused by high birth rate and low mortality rates. A country is considered to be overpopulated when it has very many people who are chasing few resources. Third world countries are faced by this problem leading to high rate of poverty (Timmer, 2001). Major consequences  of overpopulation in third  world countries is scrabble for few  resources  leading to low living standards, poor health, lack of  proper  diet, diseases, high rates  of dependence and lack of  education.


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