Global Warming

Global warming is the increase in the typical temperature of the earths air. It is caused by human green house emission activities. Consequently, the world at large is concern about adverse effects that are expected to engulf the globe unless urgent and conclusive environment sustainability and conservation measures are undertaken as to cut low the consistent and ever increasing carbon dioxide and other gas emission. Global warming phenomenon is clearly visible due to the increase in global temperatures that are likely to melt the Arctic and polar ice sheets resulting in increased sea level water. Human life is threatened by tsunami and floods dangers that have already taken place in the worlds low lying land and island.

Increase in atmospheric temperature is attributed to carbon dioxide from fossil fuels, deforestation and failing sinks. According to Fred Pearces With Speed and Violence Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change, increased thermal stratification and failed sinking has polluted ocean waters thus affected phytoplankton growth that account for almost 50 of ocean carbon sinking activity. Consequently, excess increased carbon dissolved in oceans acidifies the water niche with carbonic acids that interfere with flora and fauna thus lowering carbon storage (Pearce, 2007). Methane produced from the Arctic Tundra, Clathrates and anaerobic breakdown of organic matter due to global warming is as a chain reaction increasing this environmental concern. Nitrogen gases, sulfur dioxide gases in the atmosphere cause acidic rain that interferes with life.  
The remedy to counter global warming lays in the immediate legislation of gas emission reduction laws that can effectively manage the expected cutting back of overall emissions of six greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons (Pearce, 2007). Emissions from automobiles, industries and sinking can be reduced by appropriate usage of other energy sources as the solar energy. Afforestation projects can be undertaken to purify the air. Individuals can reduce global warming by replacing normal bulbs with energy saving florescent tubes in conjunction with buying of energy saving appliances.  
In conclusion overall world reduction of emissions will have positive effects in global climate management. Direct implementation of planting of planktons in the deep seas and oceans can be done in order to increase the waters capacity to act as a carbon and methane sink reservoir.


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