Scientific charity

Scientific charity is a social science which incorporates the use of research methodology and social theories to establish an in-depth study as well as improving the existence of people, societies and groups. Its an exceptional means to concretely resolve any social problem at all the levels and economic conditions of the poor and sick in particular by doing anything possible irrespective of its micro orand macro system. This scientific charity addresses all the chronic problems of the people and the society and ensures that there is positive change and response from all the parties concerned or affected by utilizing social sciences. It mainly concentrates on the social problem, their causes, solutions, and the impact of the human beings. It incorporates quest of social justice, improvement of the lives of people, and developing the potential of all the people, group, and the society (Trattner, 1999).

The New York charity organization of society (COS) was a private organization that existed in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Its main duties were based on the personal responsibility. They were concerned about helping the deserving people to assist themselves and instilling in them personal responsibility for one another. This is achievable by utilization of mechanism such as friendly visiting. This is a very important way of showing love and care to other individuals and the families. The face to face contact enabled the personal contact and its the key to enhancing development and organization of social consciousness. Friendship would ensure that the needy felt that there is someone who cares in the world for them.

Charity Organization Society wanted a voluntary way other than the interventions of the government. The organization wanted the spirit of charity to be established on a strong foundation which will ensure a just responsibility and they did not want the public assistance at all. The organization incorporated science in prevention of poverty and this provided hope of enlightenment. The organization differed with the religious sayings of maintaining the poor always. They believed that certain methods and techniques provided a solution to the problems which had earlier been considered insoluble (Trattner, 1999).

The organization ensured that there was no division between the people in the society by having in place a new charity which ensured that there is passion and optimism about it. They wanted a change in the society such that personal services would bring together the rich and the poor, thus creating a sensible and caring society. The organization ensured that there is social justice in the society and that there should be no recreation of imbalanced social arrangement. The activities included case management, counseling, human service management, and analysis of social welfare policy, organization of the community, research, medical social work, and advocacy among others.

Josephine Shaw Lowell was one of the main or leading advocates for the Charity Organization Society. She was brought up in a family which was made up of radical abolitionists. She believed that the poor people were not poor by they wish or by being lazy but because of idleness. She advocated that all those in need of the charity are to be taken through a labor test before they could get the help. She came up with several number of principles which she used in coming up with the social reforms. One of her principles is that whoever she helps must develop the nature of morality. She discouraged any form of direct assistance such as the government relief and the individuals direct help to the needy as this would have established the dependency culture of the needy.

Charity is one of the main concerns of people, organizations, religious sectors, among others which involves being open and generous to help those people who are in need. This is a duty of men out of morality and good affection which we should accept and enforce it in ourselves and give relief to the poor. There is no law that governs charity but its out of our normal senses.


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