Stress and Prenatal Development

The stress experienced by the mother is felt and affects the development of the unborn child inside her. Even with the fact that the nervous systems of the mother and the unborn child are separate from each other, strong emotions exhibited by the mother may cause hormonal and chemical imbalance to the child. This is primarily because the increased hormone and chemicals in the bloodstream of the mother passes through the placenta wall going to the baby, almost similar to the process on how food nutrients reach the child inside the womb. Since the hormones and chemicals from the mother are transferredreaches the womb, they, on one way or another, recreate the feelings of the mother and consequently transfers the feeling to the unborn child.

Prenatal stress causes complications in the pregnancy process. Complications may range from physiological to psychological birth defects. The unborn child in the womb is not fully equipped yet to protect himself. Thus he is very much prone to the negative impact that is brought about by the stress hormonal imbalance. One very crucial point that prenatal stress may affect is the offsprings developing brain. The effects of stress may or may not be readily noticed when the child is born. There are times when the effect is on cognition and behavior. Since the offsprings development did not undergo the normal and healthy process, the possibility of having of psychological disorders is great.

The unborn child in the mothers womb is generally helpless. His bodily mechanisms havent developed yet to protect himself from adverse effects of the happenings in his environment. His development relies greatly on the practices and habits of his mother. Thus, if the wall that his progress relies on is unstable, there is a great risk of a weak and unsound health. Directly or indirectly, the bodily process of the mother and the unborn child are intertwined to each other. Hence, prenatal stress is strongly discouraged.


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