Should prostitution be legal

Though many countries today attempt to legalize prostitution emphasizing economical benefits, its legalization might have numerous social and moral long-term negative consequences. First of all, morality of the society and the perception of the community, especially of young people, might be shaken if prostitution becomes legal. Second, political aspects of legalized prostitution should be considered since it consumes thousands of young women and children as a part of organized crime within sex industry places all over the world. Third, prostitution is always associated with human trafficking and legalization of this service will not prevent from forced labor and sexual services around the world, which dramatically increase the level of HIVAIDS. Finally, the effects of legalized prostitution on the young generation might be unpredictable. Thus, the current paper discusses each of these aspects related to legalization of prostitution separately, though emphasizing the position against such legalization.

Morality of Prostitution
Within society today the words whore and slut are still the most powerful insults that can be leveled against a woman. The power behind these words derive from the belief that to consent to selling your body in such a fashion as prostitution, is to degrade yourself as a person and your essential humanity as it is tantamount to a form of sexual slavery. The socialized deafness of men toward women, and the likelihood that a man will interpret a situation to have stronger sexual overtones than a woman will  leads to the common belief among men in justifiable rape. Under such situation a man thinks that a womans behavior is being responsible for triggering his own actions. Legalization of prostitution will negatively influence the societys morale sending the message that it is absolutely normal to pay or accept payment for the sexual services.

Political Aspects
Corruption among law enforcement officials and government agencies play a key role in the successful operations of the criminal network of gangmasters and related criminals that traffic in human slave labor and support prostitution services (King, 2004). In many cases political aspects can be observed in the form of usage of the developing countries in need by the developed countries, mainly with the purpose of political, economic and social domination and control. As King (2004) and Sens (2004) emphasize, the profit of modern slavery is around 8 to 10 billion annually, mainly through forced labor of children and prostitution. Wars and political confrontations still continue in the African and some Asian countries, where slavery became a tabula rasa for the expression and confirmation of political prejudices (Stubbs, 2008). For example, Sudanese Islamism advocates the enslavement of black Africans, Christian and Muslim, in pursuance of a medieval ummah. Janjaweed proclaim the women they rape to be slaves, an appellation that chillingly evokes the violence inherent in imperialist subjection (Stubbs, 2008). The enslavement survival betrays the liberal democracy incompleteness when economic aspects remove such enslaved individuals from the political sphere (Sens, 2004).

People Trafficking and Slavery
Whether prostitution is legal or illegal, it will not stop human trade and human trafficking from the developing countries to the developed ones since the demand for sexual services around the world is much higher than the voluntary supply. Thus, there will be always a necessity to convince, cheat, and abuse young women and children to meet requests of those, who want and are able to pay for the sex services. 

Modern slavery in the form of forced prostitution is more dangerous and traumatic since it mainly involves children and young people who are threatened or forced to leave their homes and work for their masters without their personal will. Bales et al. (2009) emphasizes that globally there are more than 27 million slaves today, which is much more than at any time in the world history. There are more than 27 million victims of slavery all over the world. According to King (2004), every ten minutes a child or woman is trafficked into the United States for forced labor, including forced prostitution. As most common, children slavery usually presume psychological problems since kids witness the daily violence and threats at the hands of gangsters and pimps, experience trauma of observing humiliation and sexual exploitation.

Millions of people are sold till now like objects, being forced to work for little or no pay and are at the mercy of their employers. Poverty and great need of vast amount of cheap labor from Africa, America, and Far Asia are considered as the main reasons for modern slavery since children are sold abroad by their parents or relatives, children are trafficked among West African countries and young women seek financial improvement in other countries ending mainly like prostitutes. Intimidation, threats, and violence have been used by the modern slave traders, or person-traffickers to threaten and force victims to engage in illegal actions related to sex or work under conditions that are comparable to slavery for the financial gain of traffickers.

In case of sexual exploitation or violence gender is not determining, though females are hurt more. While being young they are begging on the streets, though when female slaves reach the age of fifteen or even thirteen, their masters stalk them in a manner of sexual harassment and violence. More often than not, the gangmaster instigates sexual activity with a young slave girl and succeeds in violating her completely. These female victims usually have two choices in dealing with sexual harassment they could either give up their bodies to the desires of the gangmaster or refuse submission, thus, experience physical abuse. Sexual exploitation and abuse simply characterize the daily reality of many child and, mainly female, slaves in many countries of the modern world.

Prostitution and AIDS
The number of HIV AIDS victims increases day after day. There are many ways to transmit HIVAIDS throughout bodily fluids, such as unprotected sex, blood transfusions, intravenous drug use, and dirty needles spread HIV throughout blood and other fluids. Moreover, HIV visors can be transmitted from the pregnant woman to her unborn child during the pregnancy time or in some cases from a mother to a baby throughout breast milk. Based on the statement that HIV is a global disease that can influence anyone, there are excessively high infection charges in definite regions of the world. In addition, the main way of spreading HIV is throughout varied communication. Because of the organic attendance of more exterior area in the open sex organs of females, women characterize a high rate of illness for the disease.

Influence of Legalized Prostitution on Children and Teenagers
BBC News often discusses the issue of modern slavery in order to increase public awareness about such critical problem. Ian Urbina (2009) from the New York Times tells the story of a 14-year old homeless Nicole Clark who accepted young mans offer for a place to stay in return to have sex with other men for money, which she would find out later. She was threatened to become homeless again and being beaten and hurt, thus, had no other choice but to accept his orders. During 14 months Nicole was forced to be a prostitute until she escaped from garage apartment, where she was locked for months. Urbina (2009) stresses the attention to the fact that usually children who run away from home return within a week or so, but those who do not, the desperate struggle to survive on the streets usually means selling their bodies. The longer children and young people are on the streets, the more likely that they are to become involved in crime and uncooperative with the authorities (Urbina, 2009).

Poverty in the 21st century roughly underlies all aspects of the phenomenon of modern child slavery. The issue of slavery most often lies behind the reasons and circumstances they were given up or sold into such conditions. Despite the existence of anti-slavery laws and standards aimed mainly at stamping out child slavery, there are still millions of gangmasters, who not only gain from child slavery, but also believe that they will, in more cases than not, get away with it. Defining what modern slavery is, or even finding out the level of it around the world, is not sufficient if the practice is not seen to be punished. As the oldest tyranny, slavery is resistible only when enslaved and free recognize the fundamental right to liberty of enslaved men and women everywhere, and the fundamental barbarity of those who would enslave (Stubbs, 2008). According to a large number of previously written books, articles and reports on slavery, it is clear that many children and adults became slaves because of various circumstances completely beyond their control due to exogenous threats used as a catalyst for effective slavery development.

American culture should re-consider its attitude to the issue of legalized prostitution and other related aspects to prevent any further desensitization of the society. It is the responsibility of adults to bring up their children in the morally and socially healthy environment where future generation can develop and grow as mature, well-educated, and wise young people.


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