Deconstructing Disneys The Hunchback of Notre Dame

In your own words, describe the basic conflict that makes up the plot.
The basic conflict in this film is that of good vs. evil. In the opinion of the films antagonist, Claude Frollo, Minister of Justice, the vagrant gypsies are evil and he declares that it is his duty to rid Paris of these corrupt heathens. Frollo bestows the name Quaismodo, meaning half formed, on the infant of the gypsy woman whom he murdered on the steps of Notre Dame Cathedral. As the story progresses, Quasimodos behavior does not match the evil he is said to represent, and Frollos ruthless judgment and self-serving destruction of others belies his claims of righteousness.

Is there a secondary plot Please describe it.
The secondary plot in this film is a fictionalization of the class struggles which existed in pre-Revolution France, especially in the capital city of Paris. Judge Frollos harsh judgments and decrees on the general population, Captain Phoebus glorious obedience to the edicts of the Minister, and the conspicuous absence of the Bishop who runs the cathedral from any involvement in the struggles and suffering of the people represent the social order of the time. The gypsies, with their irreverent humor and egalitarian methods of self-government, represent the emergence of a democratic France.

Who is the assumed audience
Disneys films are created with middle-class school-age American children as the presumed audience, or presume that adult viewers have not been exposed to the literature or mythology on which the stories are based.

Is the voice masculine or feminine In other words, who is telling the story Who is the authority
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is told from a masculine perspective. The storyteller in the beginning of the film is a gypsy puppeteer who relates the tale as an event in the history of Paris and the cathedral.

Briefly describe two different contradictions in the plot.
One contradiction in the plot is that gypsies provide entertainment and news to the citizens and that gypsies are immoral thieves to be eliminated from society. Frollos personal quest is to eliminate all the gypsies from Paris, though he secretly enjoys their entertainments (especially that of Esmeralda).
Another contradiction in the plot is that women are for the pleasure of men and women are autonomous individuals. Esmeralda is seen as a savior-angel by Quasimodo (who adores her from afar), as a sassy vixen-victim by Phoebus, and as an object of desire by Frollo, whose inner conflict between desire and destruction propels the story to its dramatic conclusion.

Is there overt racism Please give an example.
This film demonstrates overt racism in Frollos violent hatred of the gypsies, who are of a nomadic race of people (gypsy is a bastardization of the word Egyptian). There are no other races represented in this film, demonstrating overt racism by the filmmakers.

Is there overt sexism Please give an example.
This film demonstrates overt sexism in its underrepresentation of female characters. Quasimodos mother is killed in the opening scene, and the role of wise woman is taken up by Laverne, a wise-cracking gargoyle. Esmeralda is the only human woman represented.

Does the female character initiate her own behavior or is her behavior shaped and decided for her
Esmeralda initiates her own behavior, though it is shaped by the actions of the men in the story. She shows compassion, resourcefulness, strength, and tenacity despite Frollos attempts to control her behavior.

Is the major female character a victim, a heroine, or both
Esmeralda is primarily a heroine, though she is a victim of the actions of the politically powerful Frollo. Her rescue comes in the form of community effort, of which she is a part, rather than one lone hero.

How might you use this movie to suggest to young viewers alternative images or ideas about malefemale relationships Devise a brief teaching plan and briefly describe it.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame demonstrates some examples of ways that men and women relate to each other. Sometimes one person is a hero to the other, as when Esmeralda was the only person in Paris who stood up for Quasimodo during the Festival. This kind of relating is based on one person being kind and thoughtful to the other. Sometimes one person is seen as an object of desire, like Frollo seems to feel about Esmeralda. This kind of relating is about what we want from the other person, not what we can share together. Another way that men and women relate to each other is being two separate people who care about each other, like Phoebus and Esmeralda in the end. Each is able to be who they are while being in a relationship together.


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