Sociological analysis of the news paper article

Sociology is the science that deals with the interacting individuals. Out of this interaction, evolves the feeling of co-operation and conflict, eventually giving birth to the institutions of the society. The institution is basic component, integrated with other institutions constitutes the social structure and fabric of any society. Newspaper is one of the major institutions that hold importance out of its influence on the every genre of the society. Newspaper is the representation of the cultural, political, religious, and economic and so on and so forth activities and festivities. It is the directory of the events occurring round the clock in surroundings out of interacting individuals.

The article here under reviews portrays the situation of conflict among union and the employees of an ambulance service. The nerve taking conflict was resolved, when another institution, i.e. judiciary gave its verdict. Thus the decision ends the escalating tension enrolling the quarters of the government into it as well. Among the major stakeholders, one were the patients, as the delay in the medical treatment can be turn into catastrophe or it may put a full stop to the chord of their life.
Speaking strictly sociologically, this conflict is among the different institutions of the society, the union and the drivers. Judiciary, played its role effectively, putting an end to the conflict, it ensured the smooth functioning of the institutions in specific and society in general. As the suspension in the ambulance service, an institution had effects on the government, which means the political scene of the entire country, eventually, triggering criticism from the opposition quarters and tensions among other employees of the health department.  Above all the trickle down effects of this situation on the stocks markets of the country and the common citizen. The nitty-gritty of this article elaborates that single event can have impacts on the mass level. The social fabric of the society is inter-related, inter connected and interdependent.

Sociology caters this idea under the school of structure-functionalism. The proponents of this school, Bronsilaw Malinowski and Radcliff Brown, argue that the fabric of the society is composed of institutions that are the outcome of the needs of the individuals such as psychological. As every institution has a function to perform. For example the function of the news paper is to disseminate information and provide entertainment to the reader. The function of the ambulance is to take patients to hospital in emergency or broadly speaking saving the lives. These institutions combine to form the social structure of the society. Dysfunctioning in any institution can disrupt the whole system. As all these institutions are interrelated into a complex whole like different organs interconnected to make a single human body. Headache can lead the entire body into useless position. The article under review illustrates this situation of structural functional paradigm, elaborating the inter-relationship and functioning of different institutions.

The article elucidates the situation of conflict as well. Sociologically analyzing the conflict is the outcome of competition and class struggle. Here the competition among two different classes, as the union and the drivers. The competition for authority over the duty hours led them to the situation of the conflict. Ultimately dismantling the social scene of peace and turning the society in the state of havoc. This idea of conflict out of competition and class struggle is furnished among conflict school. Thus it can be concluded that the different schools sociology elaborate the social situation differently and the social life has complex inter dependent different dimensions.


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