Nonverbal Communication

Write the differences between non-verbal communications.

Nonverbal communication is considered as the process of communicating by sending and receiving wordless messages.  Through nonverbal communications, communication is done through gesture, body language, touch, facial expression and even eye contact (Wayne, 1997). It is to this effect that nonverbal communication uses objects like clothing, hairstyles, and symbols to communicate certain information.

The difference between Body Language and Facial Expression can be denoted in the sense that, body language form of nonverbal communication entails elements of physique, gender, odors and even dressing that send nonverbal messages during the period of interaction. Facial Expressions on the other hand entails nonverbal messages send through the facial appearance (Montgomery, 1988). For instance, a person who is frightened does not need to express through words but the message can be clearly send through their facial expression involuntarily. Therefore facial expressions can be denoted through facial cues like eyelids, eyebrows, cheeks, wrinkling the brows and lips.

Other forms of nonverbal communication are eye contact and touch. Eyes are dominant features on the face and they communicate a lot. The way someone looks at something sends messages of fear, confidence, hate, love and sometimes guilt (Weiss, 1979). Therefore eye contact carries nonverbal message across it can be argued that the eye serves as a major factor in interpreting spoken words. A person who is lying can easily be detected through the messages send by their eyes. An equally important form of nonverbal communication is touch.  Through touch a lot of messages are communicated. For instance, a tap on the shoulder, a warm hug, and a compact handshake send messages.


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