Comparing the US, Germany, and Japan

How did the US influence German and Japanese societies after WWII

The United States and Japan
After the world war two was over, the United States took over the rule in Japan and created a democratic system of governance. The United States drafted a constitution for Japan. This constitution indicated that the emperor will be the ruler of the four major islands of Japan. The Japanese were held from erecting any system of governance like armies (Ann 2004). A Japanese religious movement called the Shinto was pushed from the government. In the year nineteen fifty two Japan was incorporated as a state on its own (except for two islands) but the system of education remained that of the Americans. By then the economic situation was very stable and it grew to be one of the strong economies in 1970s and 1980s. The system of doing things was greatly influenced by the Americans and most Japanese lived the American dream. The Japanese language was greatly influenced by the American English. This is evident in the many English worlds incorporated in the language. Human rights groups were formed similar to that of the Americans and the issue of gender equality was enacted in the constitution.

The United States and Germany
After the end of world war 11, the United States took over re-constructing and re-settling people in Germany. The Americans believed that Germany was the most industrious country in Europe. The Americans helped revive the economy of Germany in an alarming rate following the currency reform. The education system was not influenced but new amendments were made in the countries constitution to accommodate the Americans rule of gender equality.

How does Germany and Japan Influence US societies today
The influence of Germans to Americans is very great than that one of Japan. In America there is a group called the Deutschamerikaners or Germen Americans. They compose about seventeen percent of the whole american population. These has greatly influenced the american culture and social life. People like president Dwight Eiseinhower, president Herbet Hoover and president Richard Nixon has seen a great influence in the american contituition (Scheurers, 2002). Albert Einstein and Leonado Di-caprio has great influence in the american education and social life respectively. The german cuisine is a common food all over america. Corporations have seen great influence from germany with famous engineers and architects been Germans. The american educational has also been influenced by the introduction of German parochial schools. The erection of NASA station was greatly influenced by the Germans.
The only major influence Japan has managed to impact on America is their contribution towards the economy of America (Ebb, 2001). Japan is one of the biggest trading partners of America.  The Americans have experienced a significant influence in lifestyle. But studies show that most of the influence is impacted on the middle class Americans. For example with the flock of cheap Japanese cars n America, the middle class who cannot afford the American cars which are classy and expensive turn on the Japanese cars. Corporate influence is very eminent in America. The system of gender equality varies between the two states but has no significant influence to that of America. In matters relating to education, constitution and system stratification the Americans have remained solid to their systems. The other influences from the Japanese to Americans the introduction of Japanese foods and the spiritual way of meditation (monks).


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