The US an assimilationist society

According to The American heritage Dictionary (2009), Assimilation is defined as the process by which a person or a group becomes integrated into the culture of another. This involves a minority who adopts the culture of the other group who are considered the majority. Culture is an important aspect in the society. Different people, tribes or communities within a nation have their own culture, customs and traditions. These are valued from generation to generation and safeguarded against loss.

The United States (US) has been seen as an assimilationist society in different areas. There has been cultural assimilation in the US. It is whereby the immigrants begin to gradually adopt the American culture. This has led to the sudden loss of identity of the minority groups. For example, the mode of dressing of the Americans has been followed over the years by immigrants. This has led to loss of tradition and customs which define how a person should dress. Every society has a characteristic mode of dressing culture. Most blacks in America have conformed to their culture (Tatum, 1987).

As Le (2007) writes, behavioral assimilation is when all immigrant or new persons adopts the behavioral pattern of the majority group. It includes adopting the language. The Asian Americans have learnt English and culture of the Americans and gradually lost their own customs. Secondly, there has been socio-economic assimilation. The Asian Americans can now take part in politics. They have also been integrated into the social, cultural and economic institutions.

Assimilation has led to either negative or positive effects for the minority and the majority groups. The minority might benefit by exploring new opportunities available, for example, better education and services. However, it has led to loss of ones own identity. It leads to gradually forgetting the cultures and traditions of a person. There might also be an adoption of bad cultures which are not accepted in the society. The US has benefited by acquiring new professionals, for example, doctors and lawyers from other countries.

Concept of Assimilation and Pluralism
Assimilation concept is biased since it regards one concept or idea to be the best and the only one that works out. The concept of pluralism suggests the existence of more than two things or principles in real life. It is an open minded concept which takes into account the ideas of others. In pluralism concept, different cultures or traditions are accommodated.

Assimilation has been achieved in our society, for example, intermarriages have led to an exchange and adoption of different traditions and cultures. The society is made up of multiethnic groups with diverse cultures. For a long time, intermarriages were not acceptable in the society. People used to marry or get married to those they share tribes with. This has gradually changed and it is now accepted in many parts.


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