
Deviance is defined as the recognized violation of cultural norms (Lecture Deviance).  In a certain society, one is considered a deviant if he  she goes against what is dictated as normal or customary.
Deviance does not necessarily connote acquiring a negative attitude or habit.  Its just that during the adolescent or the teen years, when hormones are raging, and rebelliousness is an unknown term, trying everything seems to be fun and exciting.  Add to this the concepts of peer pressure and influence, and the formula is complete  a deviant is made.

I have been a good daughter all my life.  I am 16 years old, a college freshman, and a diligent student.  I have a balanced lifestyle, and I assist in the family business during my free time.  I come from a conservative family and am focused on what I want to do with my life.  I love to read, and Im interested to learn new things.  Last year, I chanced upon a book on how to do wine mixes.  I saved up for the things I needed, and I got to prepare the cocktails I wanted Tequila Sunrise, Margarita, Rhum Cola, Zombie and Vodka Tonic.  I intended to be a bartender someday.  My father saw what I was doing and it gets him fuming mad.  He throws away everything I had so conscientiously saved up for.  He thinks that I am starting to be a rebel, blamed my friends for influencing me, and he forbids me from doing this any further.  In terms of Social Interaction Analysis, I was being labeled a rebel, and unjustly accused that my peers were an influencing factor for my actions (Lecture  Deviance) 
I then start to be a rebel from then on.  I was prejudged as a rebel, so I became a rebel (Lecture  Deviance).  I went out to meet new friends, started drinking, smoking, going to bars, and going home late.  Later, I got my ear pierced, and a tattoo done on my arms and legs.  Luckily, nothing else happened to me, and I have realized it just in time.
Was I being a deviant  It depends on the point of view.  For my family, I may have been a deviant, but for me, the deed was anything but sinful.  The initial wine drinking may have been wrong because I was still a minor, but it was done on the context of learning, and not just for the sake of drinking alcohol.  The actual deviant behavior was manifested when I started to smoke, drink, hang out with friends, stay up late, the ear-piercing and the tattoo procedures.  My peers did not influence me to do this, it was a self-made decision.  I also thought that I didnt want to disappoint my mom (Control Theory, Lecture  Deviance) but I wanted to rebel against my dad so I went on with it.

At this time, however, I have realized my lesson and I want to put direction in my life.  I no longer want to be a deviant because I believe that I have already matured and I feel I can already handle bigger responsibilities.             


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