Structured Inequality.

 Structured inequality means that people can be ranked differently depending upon their social importance or status in the society. The concept of inequality in a structured context entails that this kind of differentiation or classification among groups of people are recognized as acceptable and even legal. Due to this, the presence of inequality in the society, which is observable in the existence of social class greatly influence the decisions and actions of people.
 The field of sociology is responsible in studying the human societies, which includes giving due attention to the behavior and interaction of people. In line with this, the emergence of sociological theories has the purpose of explaining the human action and relation among each other. The concept of structured inequality is considered as an important issue or problem in sociological theory because of the very reason that it affects the behavior and relationship of individuals among each other. As described in the different sociological theories, structured inequality affects the development of societies because the way by which people arte group or stratified in the society affects their respective behavior as well as the development of the society as a whole.
 This kind of adage is observable in the theory of Karl Marx wherein he asserts that the main basis for the existence of social class is the means of production. The group pf people who owns the means of production is placed in a higher level in the social status. Due to this, the behavior of the people are affected wherein those who own the mean of productions acts as landlords while those who do not have such resources end up to be the servants of these landlords. In addition, the society as whole changes because as Marx described it, the social struggle among different classes brought about the development or evolution in the society.
Being the case, sociological theories give emphasis in structured inequality because it acts as an important factor, which greatly impacts and even direct the behavior of people and how they will relate among each other. Sociological theories are created as a means by which the phenomena that are happening in the human society could be explained. Structured inequality becomes an important concern because they have to carefully study this factor in order to explain why certain groups of people act the way they did and how this contributes in the formation of the human society.

State of Inequality
    The concept of social class has an essential part in the theories of Marx, Durkheim, and Weber because they use it in order to explain the respective role of the presence of social class in explaining the inequality that is happening in the society together with its respective implications.
Karl Marx uses the idea of social class when he asserted that the cause of inequality in the society is because of the idea that human is a material being. One of the most important purposes of humans is to produce the necessary material needs that they have to use. Due to this, they enter in a relationship with other people because this a way by which they could be able to get their needs. The kind of relationship that Marx is pertaining to is characterized by inequality. The idea of social class is related to the means of production because those who own the means of production is recognized to be in the upper level of the social class as compared to the mere laborers who are in the lower class. Due to the importance of means of production to the life of people, social inequality exists as well as social class because people are identified and differentiated based on the means of production that they have or do not have (Rummel n.p.). Thus, the concepts presented by Marx are merely focused on the problem that people are capable of production however due to provided aspects of the laws and norms of society inequality is not present.
Social class fit in the theory of Emile Durkheim in the part wherein people need a new way to relate to each other during this modern society. Durkheim argues that the society is bound together by shared values. However, in this modern society, anomie had been observable because the lack of norms and the weakening social value no longer enable the people to be bounded together. Due to this, a new means of cohesion is necessary, which is seen in the division of labor that exists during this time of industrialization. The source of cohesion in this modern time is seen in the idea of interdependency because an individual needs other people to sustain his or her needs because people work in a cooperative network of social exchange in order to get his or her daily subsistence. The presence of mutual dependence leads to cooperation that resulted to organic solidarity. Organic solidarity is dynamic and regarded as a living process that continuously related to differentiation. Differentiation is the one responsible for individual development, which leads to inequality. As such, inequality causes the establishment of social class because people are group in accordance to the differentiation that they have (Jones n.p.).
    In the case of Max Weber, social class is brought about by economic action because the social action that is involved is based on utilitarianism. In this context, the people who belong or constitute a certain class have the same market and money economy. In this sense, social class is based on the money or economic utility that a group of people have wherein those who possess abundant goods and opportunities for income as compared with others belong in a higher social class than others (Elwell n.p.).  Accordingly, Weber highlights the important of continuous production of goods because stability is promoted to the company. Furthermore, Weber had seen parties as the most important branch of the society to attain  equity for people who are not heard by the government.
    In the current situation of United States, people are seemingly very equal with individuals. The societal structure is very lenient in which no one is truly rich or poor in the eyes of the government.  However, changes are occurring drastically in the social structure of the United States. Thus, the concept rich and poor is prevalent. In the concept of Karl Marx, he explains that social inequality is a manifestation of the economic capabilities of the people in terms of acquiring products and the likes. In addition to this, the view of Marx relating to the current situation of the United States is seen through the economic capabilities of people. But in reflection, the capabilities of people to attain goods are less than what the earn due to the situation of recession.
Moreover, the problem of society is much reliant to the ethnicity of the people. In many studies the problem of poverty is attached to the ethnicity of the individual. One of these examples is the poverty among Asian minorities in the United States. On the other hand, African-Americans are also having difficulties in availing health care. Thus, the issues with regards to the concept of equality are not reliant to the economic background of the people but in the ethnicity they have. Therefore, stereotyping is not only a situation but a reality faced by the American society. Through the concept of Weber of parties, such situation could be addressed through collaboration of different groups that advocates such concerns.
      Thus, the problem of equity underlies in the historical background of United States. Reflecting back to the earlier centuries of United States, African-Americans were not given any rights and liberty, instead they are made to be slaves in different farms and plantations. Although there were freedoms for the African Americans, opportunities to development of individuals are limited. For monetary means are important in order to have further education, the ethnic minorities not capable of advancing their education thus, they do not have higher opportunities to have a better life (Jarrett 192).
    Due to the lesser opportunities many of the ethnic minorities and those people in poverty fail to gain to advancement in their lifestyles. Thus, unlike other classes in the society those that in the poverty line are struggling to gain opportunities to study and have good jobs that provide higher compensation. Moreover less opportunities means less capability to help in the economic gain of the government. Reflecting on Max Webers perception of the society and equity, people need to have opportunities in order for them to be equal with other people. For the current society is providing different aspects of opportunities for people, the case of inequity is also underlying to the concern where opportunities are given. Hence, unequal distribution of opportunities to chosen societies is also a great concern (Gerth and Wright Millswith 187). Due to the unequal distribution, inequity is continuously working within the society which leads to a much problematic nation and government.

Prescient Account
    Inequality within the society is known to be prevalent during the earlier times. Different social strata are important in order to predict a persons stance in life as well as his or her capabilities. Thus, social status is important to the social structure of different societies of various nations. Moreover, the issue of inequality is further experienced by the laborers and the lower classed individuals in the society. On the other hand, the bourgeoisies become much richer through the course and sacrifice of the laborers. Thus, the concept of the rich becoming much richer and the poor becoming much poorer is promoted.
    In viewing the three concepts available from Emil Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx, I viewed that the concept of Max Weber is much accessible and applicable to the current society. The perspective of Max Weber unlike Emil Durkheim and Karl Marx are much applicable to how the systems of society are currently working. Further, Marx was able to highlight different aspects of social actions regarding society. It is stated that the consciousness of the people is not communal. Given that the aspect of social consciousness is known to individuals, Weber suggests that the concept provided by class status is more related to the concept of an individuals perception of the situation. Furthermore, Max highlighted that a communitys consciousness is the responsibility of the people. Through a communal way of realizing that there is a need for social equity, the movement of issue is heightened to a higher level of acknowledgment. Thus, there are the creations of political parties within the nation. Moreover, the presence of political parties is a manifestation that the people through a community of people are now much aware of the situation of inequity within the area.   
    Through high level of having parties system, the community is creating a society that manifest consciousness and relativism in terms of the needs of the nation is important. In the current situation of the society, parties are needed in order for the nation to have awareness to different kinds of issues. Through parties, different issues are given attention unlike only focusing on a sole government or organization.
    The current world is now focusing different problems due to various factors of society. Through the manifestation of parties within the society, there are no minor or major issues that is placed to be important than others. Therefore, the parties do not represent any type of social class but addresses different aspects of the society. Some of the most common themed political parties (Hamilton 119) are those that represent the LGBTs, Labor workers, migrant workers and many others.
    In addition to this the party system is also providing the people a source of check and balanced system. The political party such that of the opposition is often aware of the actions being made by the government whether it is for the public interest or a personal interest. Through this, the people see the action of the government even when they do not see it literally. Thus, there is a feeling of security and equity in the provide information.
    Moreover, the concept of Equity by Max Weber addresses the needs of the current society. The peoples of the current times are not unlike before. Individuals are much knowledgeable and wise which results to methods of questioning, assessing and analyzing the situation. Thus, political parties provide the society a branch where in their priorities would be similar to others and these priorities would be addressed equally and accordingly. Hence, the process of equity in the United States is a desire that is needed to be attained by the government and the nation. Through parties and the recognition of different issues at hand, the concept of Weber is strongly supporting the claims of such need. Thus, the theory of Weber is a reminder that peoples need other institutions in the private sector to uphold their rights and desires.


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