Who are most Effective Single Fathers or Mothers

Argument of the study
The study under review, Can Men Mother Life as a Single Father by Barbara J. Risman, takes  issue of the effectiveness of single fathers as it announces in the very first line that the present study addresses the question of focus on single fathers (Risman, 1986, p.95). It argues that mothering is not an exclusively female task (Risman, 1986, p.95) and states the  argument for conducting the study because more children than ever before are living- at least part of the time- with divorced fathers (Risman, 1986, p.95).
Previous Research
The study includes previous research to help support the importance of the study as the research on the roles of single fathers had started in 1960s and, as Risman states, in Canada, Australia, England and the United States researches were conducted but the limitation of the previous studies was that they were descriptive owing to the reason that the methods, samples and therefore results differ dramatically by geographical region (Risman, 1986, p.96).

Researcher Bias
The study contains researcher bias as it becomes evident when the participants selected for the study are mainly white while the population of the U.S or even in the states, where the study was mainly conducted, is comprised of people from diverse community. The sample does not represent the population to whom the study may have some importance. The reason for researcher bias is neither reflected in the discussion in the study nor does the researcher herself state the reason as what makes her to select white majority as participants to study the single fathers population.

Important Concepts
The study revisits the important concepts of individualist and structuralist theories which are important to identify whether single fathers can be viable primary caretakers for young children (Risman, 1986, p.95). The individualist theory is defined as a predictor of a single fathers lack of motivation and expressive skills in the provision of intense intimacy necessary for young children (Risman, 1986, p.96). While the researcher defines structuralist theory as it suggests that social context mainly determines the role of a single father.

Staement of Purpose
The study does not include a clearly written statement of purpose where the researcher would have ushered the purpose of the study. In addition the researcher does not identify the type of study but it becomes evident when the result section is analyzed that the research is quantitative in its very nature. As the mean response of the fathers rating of childs self disclosure evinces that the results of the survey were quantified that makes the study a quantitative one (Risman, 1986, p.99). In the study the population that is being studied is discussed in detail in methodology section (Risman, 1986, p.97-98).

Technical Terms
It does not use any technical terms as the only key terms are child custody, gender roles, single fathers and single parents (Risman, 1986, p.95).

The research is based on the argument that is developed in the literature review but she goes on to discuss theories in such a diverse way that the reader is detached from the main argument. She admits that she would commence her study with the discussion of previously held theories regarding the research objective as she sides with the conclusion that if the previous literature is analyzed, it comes to light that structuralist theory provides a better explanation than individualist theory for the experiences of single fathers (Risman, 1986, p.95).

Sampling and issues involved in sampling
The sample used for the study is large and diverse so that to disentangle the independent effects of economic status from reasons for father custody on fathers perception of their role in life as single parents (Risman, 1986, p.97). One hundred and forteen single fathers were selected as a sample. The researcher announces in the discussion of methodology that she has avoided sampling and therefore only the respondents who were identifiable via social serice agencies or parenting associations were included as the target to whom the questionnaire were distributed (Risman, 1986, p.97). The questionnaire was distributed among two hundred eighty one single fathers and one hundred forty one returned the survey. The criteria for sample selection is not stated by the researcher but she reports that ninty per cent of the single fathers in the study were white (Risman, 1986, p.98).

The researcher first discusses the data collection techniques and then the resultant sample characteristics (Risman, 1986, p.97). The researcher announces that the sampling was avoided as only the respondents who were identifiable through social service agencies or parenting associations were used as the participants.The press releases were distributed to Washington state and national media. Among the 281only 141 returned the questionnaires of the survey.

When the researcher reports that 90 of the participants were white, the authenticity of the sampling tends to undermine. The reason for dissatisfaction over the sampling is that the black and brown community is not a minority any more and when their large population is ignored in the study the findings become vulnerable to criticism.

Analysis of the Data
The analysis of the data is related to the techniques of data collection in the way that the data was collected by receiving responses in the form of questionnaire from the respondents, so it was analyzed through obtaining the mean, average, rating of the responses. For example, to gain the average rating about fathers rating of childs self disclosure, mean response on sadness, anger at father, loneliness, etc., were analyzed (Risman, 1986, p.99). In the discussion of the impact of social class the researches analyzes the data as she states that over half of the most wealthy men (57.6) hire outside help for housekeeping, in cooking dinner they are likely to hire help (tau b  .15, p .05) (Risman, 1986, p.100).

The major finding of the study is single fathers prove to be effective in mothering their children and that most men felt comfortable and competent as single parents (Risman, 1986, p.95). Moreover Rasmins study correlates with the findings of the previous researches as well suggesting that at least in their own perceptions, costudial fathers are competent as primary parents (Risman, 1986, p.101). In addition the study suggests that childhood experiences and sex roles do not create inflexible gender typed behavorial patterns (Risman, 1986, p. 101).

The researcher does not state the limitations of the study neither she leaves any space for the critics to identify the limitations as she states the implications of her results as well (Risman, 1986, p.101-102). Rather the researcher ends the study with an optimist note that the research presented here should reassure single fathers that mothering is not an exclusively female skill (Risman, 1986, p.102).

Personal Opinion
By reviewing the article a very interesting point comes to light, which is one of the findings of the researcher as well, that the role of single fathers is as important as that of single mothers. The government of the U.S has often announced various programs to support the single mothers but single fathers are subsided in the discussion of the parenthood although single fathers can perform the dual role of a father and of a mother while nourishing the child.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Although the researcher attempts successfully to address the issues raised in the beginning of the research, the study is not complete in its entirety as the sampling criterion is ambiguous. Moreover the analysis of data does not cover all the concerns. If the completeness of the study is analyzed in terms of the research concepts, it comes to light that the few concepts discussed in the study, e.g. individualist theory and structuralist theory, are defined comprehensively. The researcher identifies a major weakness in the past research as most researches have been exploratory with small and homogenous samples (Risman, 1986, p.97). She identifies further that the previous American study lacks a large and diverse sample which she used in her study (Risman, 1986, p.97).

The researcher postpones the sampling strategies by referring to some other article as she states that a detailed discussion of sampling strategies is available elsewhere (Risman, 1986, p.97) which would have been helpful to the readers. Another important point about the review is that the journal article chosen for the review was published many years ago, in 1986, but this must not imply that the study lacks authenticity. The study focuses on the issues which were later researched by other researchers, thus it opened the road for new researches. The central limitation identified in the research is regarding the sampling criterion as the sample does not represent the population therefore it becomes difficult to trust the results and to generalize the results. But the researcher gives the theoretical and practical implications in her conclusion that is the strength of the study.


Deviance is defined as the recognized violation of cultural norms (Lecture Deviance).  In a certain society, one is considered a deviant if he  she goes against what is dictated as normal or customary.
Deviance does not necessarily connote acquiring a negative attitude or habit.  Its just that during the adolescent or the teen years, when hormones are raging, and rebelliousness is an unknown term, trying everything seems to be fun and exciting.  Add to this the concepts of peer pressure and influence, and the formula is complete  a deviant is made.

I have been a good daughter all my life.  I am 16 years old, a college freshman, and a diligent student.  I have a balanced lifestyle, and I assist in the family business during my free time.  I come from a conservative family and am focused on what I want to do with my life.  I love to read, and Im interested to learn new things.  Last year, I chanced upon a book on how to do wine mixes.  I saved up for the things I needed, and I got to prepare the cocktails I wanted Tequila Sunrise, Margarita, Rhum Cola, Zombie and Vodka Tonic.  I intended to be a bartender someday.  My father saw what I was doing and it gets him fuming mad.  He throws away everything I had so conscientiously saved up for.  He thinks that I am starting to be a rebel, blamed my friends for influencing me, and he forbids me from doing this any further.  In terms of Social Interaction Analysis, I was being labeled a rebel, and unjustly accused that my peers were an influencing factor for my actions (Lecture  Deviance) 
I then start to be a rebel from then on.  I was prejudged as a rebel, so I became a rebel (Lecture  Deviance).  I went out to meet new friends, started drinking, smoking, going to bars, and going home late.  Later, I got my ear pierced, and a tattoo done on my arms and legs.  Luckily, nothing else happened to me, and I have realized it just in time.
Was I being a deviant  It depends on the point of view.  For my family, I may have been a deviant, but for me, the deed was anything but sinful.  The initial wine drinking may have been wrong because I was still a minor, but it was done on the context of learning, and not just for the sake of drinking alcohol.  The actual deviant behavior was manifested when I started to smoke, drink, hang out with friends, stay up late, the ear-piercing and the tattoo procedures.  My peers did not influence me to do this, it was a self-made decision.  I also thought that I didnt want to disappoint my mom (Control Theory, Lecture  Deviance) but I wanted to rebel against my dad so I went on with it.

At this time, however, I have realized my lesson and I want to put direction in my life.  I no longer want to be a deviant because I believe that I have already matured and I feel I can already handle bigger responsibilities.             

The Position and Cultural Effects of Legalizing Gay Marriages in United States and Canada

Glen Clark on equality and sexuality
I agree on the British Columbia premiers thoughts on homosexuality specifically his take
on same-sex marriage. Relating this idea, I believe that it is now time to set aside non-humanitarian factors that cause ongoing homosexual battles, instead grant the heart of laws of U.S. and Canada. The emphasis in Constitution and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms pertains to liberty and equal rights. The governments of these countries are therefore obliged to give the same civil rights and acknowledge legal benefits of heterosexual couples to homosexual couples such as inheritance, taxes and health pension. A common marriage regardless of sexuality should be highly considered because law applies to all, regardless of sexuality, too.

The U.S., one of the countries which do not completely legalize same-sex marriage, is
afraid to endorse gay marriage for religious reasons and historical roots (Mazzuca, 2004). The seemingly conservative attitude of U.S. gradually loses when starting in 2000, Vermont and six other states recognized gay civil unions and same-sex marriages. When I was having an in-depth research of the countrys legality constraints, I read that in 2003, a gay man became a bishop in an American church (Homosexuality, 2008). This means, to my understanding, the country can neglect the conventional way of society which contributes to an impression that it can then regard gay marriage given officials especially religious figures have began revealing its trend.

Is the timeline in legalizing gay marriages an example of cultural lag
I dont think the delay in legalizing gay marriages in some countries is an example of
cultural lag. Coined by sociologist William Ogburn, cultural lag is defined as a period of maladjustment that occurs when the non-material culture is struggling to adapt to a new material conditions. The gap in timeline in the issue of permitting same-sex marriage has no association with any form of innovation that fuels societal discussions and conflicts. However, it is true and evident that the legality of same-sex marriage, that is until now is not fully established in leading countries U.S. and Canada, has been creating debates in our society.

Introduction to International Health Policy

The new health care reform bill provides a new national approach to health care and initiates some important changes worth taking note of. The new bill is a good piece of health care legislation for a few very important reasons. For one, it provides health coverage for millions more people, whether they want it or not. This is good for society at large, and helps to improve the quality of life for everyone. Additionally, the bill is a good one because it is estimated to cut the national deficit by cleaning up some of the fraud and misappropriation that has been rampant in the health care industry. Additionally, the bill seeks to provide a higher standard of care and will include more people who might have been precluded because of pre-existing conditions. All of these factors combine to make the new health care reform bill one that will be positive for society over the next decade and beyond.

According to the New York Times, The landmark bill signed by Mr. Obama will provide coverage to an estimated 30 million people who currently lack it (New York Times, 2010). Additionally, the bill works because it provides a way for people without the means to purchase insurance to get a piece of the pie. Because requiring these people to get health care on their own accord would be an unrealistic request, the government has taken steps to establish credits for people who need them. The Times wrote that the bill would subsidize private coverage for low- and middle-income people (New York Times, 2010). This is an important consideration, and had been one of the primary concerns of many as they approached this new bill with a sense of pessimism. By providing these people with a legitimate way to get health care insurance without having to break the bank, the new bill succeeds on a number of different levels.

Additionally, one cannot look at the health care bill without also looking at the impact that it might have on the economy. With the deficit soaring, this is a bill that is expected to cut more than one hundred fifty billion dollars off of the national deficit. That is a significant amount of money and it will help the government move forward with other initiatives. An article from the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School of Business indicates that there is still some dissension over the bill and that the cost cutting measures are still somewhat uncertain (Wharton, 2010). Though many of the realities of the bill will not be known for many years to come, it is clear that this reform takes steps in the right direction, and at the very least begins a meaningful dialogue on the future of the nations medical system.

One final reason why this health care initiative is a good one has to do with the level of care provided. One of the chief considerations for Obama and company was making sure that people could still get affordable coverage, regardless of pre-existing conditions. That has been written into the law and will be required of private insurance companies. Additionally, the bill establishes a minimum level of care that must be provided by these insurers, though it does not cap the amount of medical service provided. Increasing the level and proficiency of care is always a good thing and should prove to be meaningful in the not so distant future.

In all, the bill makes strides toward a solid destination. Though it is not perfect, the fact that it provides health insurance for more than thirty million Americans who did not have it is a definite plus. The cutting of health industry waste is another important step, as is the bills insistence on a higher medical standard. All of these changes may be shocking in the beginning, but they will prove to be beneficial as time goes by.

Sociology of Hip-Hop

Hip-Hop is generally defined by its internal contradictions. These contradictions keep a culture alive, pushing it forward in reaction to multiple social stimuli. The contradicting elements in hip-hop give a culture the distinct mark of idealism and to some extent deviance. In general, the contradictions in hip-hop are as follows the group vs. the individual, the society vs. the group, life vs. death, indifference vs. social action, variety vs. uniformity, and obedience vs. freedom of action.

In the song, My Chick Bad, two contemporary issues are discussed the whiteblack women divide and social preference. The song starts with the words my chick bad, my chick hood, my chick do stuff dat ya chick wish she could. This refers to the stereotype African American woman. The African-American woman has a nasty but strong stereotype. According to Gilels (2003), the African-American woman is always depicted in movies as a sexual appendage of a black gangster  a part of the whole melodrama of black inferiority. Gilels (200324) noted that the African-American woman has a strong-self ordeal (stereotype), in contrast to the white woman who is vivacious but weak.

In the song, this stereotype is reinforced. Note the following words from the song she always bring the racket like Venus and Serena all white top, all white belt and all white jeans, body looking like milk  now your girl might be sick but my girl be sicker (My Chick Bad). The African-American woman is a strong-willed individual, in contrast to the white woman who is sublime and condescending. 

The song is generally popular with African-Americans because it defines their history, identity, and social preference. The song is, from a narrow perspective, a history of social differentiation. It is a narrative of the blackwhite divide. Moreover, the song is a reference to an established identity  an identity which cherishes social equality and creativity. Perhaps more than history and identity, the song is an expression of social preference. Because the artist is an African-American, then his choice will also be an African-American. As such, the artist tends to focus on the positivegood characteristics of the African-American woman. The song is not necessarily biased against the white woman.

Social differentiation has deep roots in American culture. It defines both history and identity. The artist was well aware of the social implications of the song. A careful reading of the song reveals 1) a general reference to black culture, 2) the relative dominance of white values in American society, and the 3) loose differentiation between the African-American woman and the white woman.

As discussed above, the issues in the song are the preponderance of the blackwhite woman divide and social preference. A sociological analysis would look like this. We make a preemptive analysis of the song, based on three criteria (issue urgency, complexity, and relevance). Next, we will examine other hip-hop songs composed by the same artist. The idea is to find similarities and differences among the songs. A good sociological analysis utilizes across-the-object studies. We will examine other hip-hop songs not necessarily composed by the same artist. The purpose is to determine whether there is a continuous mood or theme in black songs. The resulting sociological analysis is complete and continuous because it is general and non-contradictory.

The song does speak to contemporary issues in the United States. However, the so-called blackwhite woman divide is a deemphasized topic primarily because the current focus is on the ethnic group rather than the subgroup. Note that only a handful of academic literature which discuss the blackwhite woman divide.

Death and the Family

My heart is sorrowful since I have an aunt that I never got to know.  She lost a battle to cancer before she even hit her twenties.  I will never fully understand what my grandparents went through when they lost their youngest child. I believe that the experience is a pain only a grieving parent can know.  When someone loses a loved one, it is usually an emotionally trying experience for him or her.  However, the death of a child is unique in that it was a life that was never fully realized because truly, they did go before their time.  My grandparents, like many parents, expected to see their child to grow and mature.  They expected to one day pass on and leave her behind.  When they buried their child, I can only imagine how it must have felt to lose all their hopes and dreams for her have a full, happy life. The grieving was intense with the constant feeling that they did not do enough to save her.  One thing is for sure they deeply miss her every day.  Through this paper, I hope to gain a limited understanding of what they might have experienced and how they learned to cope and move on.

The research study tries to find out how people react to death of their loved ones, specifically when a parent loses a child. The experiences parents go through and the way they cope with bereavement, mourning and letting go. The research study wishes to answer the following questions
How do family members react to death
How does the society deal with death
How do parents deal with the loss of a child
How does the society help the bereaved deal with grief
What are the experiences parents go through after the death of a child
What is the societal and family role in case of death of a child

Literature Review
Death is something that is inevitable since every person had to deal with it in life. Death is a sorrowful event that claims loved ones such as our family members, friends or neighbors. Once a person dies the bereaved go through a normal process of grieving. Although, grieving is a hard process, it helps the bereaved deal with the loss by accepting it and moving on with life (Murray, 2001). Failure to go through the grieving process can lead to depression, physical illness and even emotional problems.
There are various concepts associated with grieving, even though everyone grieves differently. These concepts include numbness, mourning and letting go (Black, 2008). During the grieving process, the bereaved suffers from swift mood changes and intense emotions. The initial stage of grieving is numbness. The numbness stage is also known as the stage of depression whereby the bereaved is in shock, angry, emotional and feels angry at the world and sometimes to God. Immediately a person hears of a loved ones death, the news shocks them. The numbness stage includes being emotionally tormented and angry, a feeling that can last for days or weeks. The numbness sometimes can be helpful as it helps through family pressures and practical arrangements associated with funeral.

The numbness stage is followed by mourning, where the news of death sinks. Sadness and pictures of the dead person clouds the bereaved memory. During mourning, it is difficult to concentrate on everyday tasks due to nostalgic thoughts. During the mourning stage, some people lose interest in things like food and life they also feel de-motivated and sometimes find it hard to sleep or relax (Black, 2008). If the deceased died in the hospital, some people get angry and irritable at the medical staff and all those taking care of the deceased. They sometimes blame them for their loved ones death. The mourning process normally is helped by a funeral and memorial service (Rosenblatt, 2005).The outburst of tears and emotions is a common scene during mourning. The third stage of grieving involve letting go. Over a period, the intense pain felt during mourning lessens. The bereaved comes back to reality and learns that despite the loss life has to go on. During the letting go phase, the sadness, the appetite, the energy levels and sleeping patterns slowly get back to normal.

The symbolic interaction theory and feminist theory can be applied incase of bereavement and grieving. Symbolic interaction theory suggests ways in which families interact with other personalities in the society. The theory looks at the everyday behavior of individuals and explores ways in which people communicate using symbols to get a subjective and interpersonal meaning of a situation. In case of grieving, where a parent loses a child, the way the family interacts with the other family members determines which role the society will take in situation. The theory also suggests that situations get meaning depending on the social interaction with others. For example, people regard death as something painful, which requires co-operation from the family members, friends and the society.
Feminist theory suggests that women should work together to improve their position in life (Roy, 2009). Therefore, incase of bereavement women should work together to help each other through the grieving process. Women regard grieving as a normal process and incase a woman loses a child all other women should mourn with her and give her emotional support.

Methodology and Results
The research study tries to find out how people react to death of their loved ones, specifically when a parent loses a child. The research study wishes to study how family members react to death of their loved one, how the society helps bereaved family deal with grief and the support given to such a family. The research study also wishes to find out which concepts and theories are most applicable when a parent loses a child.

A random sample of 100 families was taken from one neighborhood. The sample consisted of families with 1to 10 kids. The Parents in the families were interviewed face-to-face one at a time. A preset questionnaire containing ten questions was presented to the others members of the family. The random sample consisted of families where they have lost childchildren and the ones who have not. The parents who had lost a child or children were supposed to express the feeling they left due to the loss. They were also supposed to describe the support they received from the other family members and the neighbors. The parents from the non-bereaved families were tested for the reaction to death matters, the support they gave and the general perception they have regarding bereavement.

The results from the study show that women were more susceptible to grief than men were. Although men grieved as well, they preferred not to show emotions such as crying, numbness and depression. Of the statistics taken 5of the families had at least lost one child.60 of those bereaved grieved for their loved ones,70 felt emotionally numb,73 mourned while 75 were able to let go after a period of one month and above. The study showed that women were more co-operative during mourning as the 60 of the bereaved families said they got consolation, self-help and company from women. Some family said that men offered financial help and funeral arrangement preparation but did not console them. Eighty percent of the whole population interviewed agreed that grieving was a healthy process as it helps people overcome the loss.

Conclusion and Results
The results of the study were consistent with the views I had regarding bereavement. According to my view, death of a child is a sad event that brings many emotional reactions to both parents. Losing a child is most painful for a parent because it means a lost future. People mourn differently for their loved ones. For example, women are more emotional if they lost a child than men. Women tend to cry, break down emotionally and even get depressed (Zaiger, 2005). In case of my Aunt, my grandmother and my mother were very emotional. My grandmother fainted on hearing of my aunts death. My mother did not eat for three days and hardly slept. During the mourning stage and even funeral, my grandmother could not stop crying. Both the symbolic interaction theory and feminist theory are right when they state that people react differently to situations because of social interaction (Murray, 2001). Since my grandmother was a very social person who participated in the community activities, many people turned up to help her during the grieving period. Women turned in big numbers to console her, help in housework and even funeral arrangements.

The research study was successful in finding out how a parent deals with a childs death. Some of the unanswered questions regarding the study were why men reacted differently in case of bereavement. In a society where patriarchy was practiced how comes men did not participate as much during bereavement as women The other question was why the death of a child was more painful than death of an old person and how comes the society took death more seriously than other events.

In further research regarding bereavement of a child, the study should focus on the perception of other family members except parents, such as brothers and sisters. The research should also concentrate of mens emotions regarding bereavement. In a society where men are not supposed to cry or show emotions, a further research should be established on the ways men mourn and grieve. However, the research would have been more successful if focused on several different neighborhoods. Taking diversified religious family would also have given us different concepts regarding grieving.


In the past, international leaders from developed countries delegated their business work to India since it had a strong leadership (Messner, 2008).This is so because, Indians business people enjoy working in an authority ranking as it fosters cohesion. Authority ranking has since then influenced the trend of programs in these companies such as performance appraisal systems, which serves as motivators.
In India, education plays a very critical role in ranking someone. The struggle for being ranked higher by educational status criterion has helped in creating opportunity for globalization for many Indian companies (Desai, 2009).This has led to an emergence of many computers software development technologies, which play a vital role in business globalization.

The Indian workforce seeks commitment from top management in the process initiatives. The authority ranking enables employees to comply with the quality methodologies as long its leadership is motivating and it is consistence (Desai, 2009). This motivation helps in confronting the uncertainties together. This is achieved through strategic thinking, customer orientation, aggression, commitment to global thinking, commitment to excellence, working in teams, and building future leaders (Desai, 2009).

Since getting to a point of higher authority is based on being a successful performer, the authority ranking encourages a business team to update themselves constantly in matters relating to global issues and trends (Messner, 2008).Behaviors relating to high performance describe competence as this serves as a competency indicator. This calls for an effort of identifying a successful role behavior that will take you to a higher rank for the business. In an attempt of perfecting this, the Indians have actively attempted to understand and respect cultural values of host countries of the customers, trying to build an understanding, as this will create an ease while dealing with clients and business partners globally. More so, they try identifying best practices that suit the team needs for improvement through bench marking with the world practices (Locke, 2008).