A trip to Bountiful

Going through the article on what happened at Bountiful was not at all surprising to me. This in itself is an indication, that the percentage of teacherstudent sexual relationship has gone high during the recent years. I think it is punishable to manipulate and use kids to their (teachers) own benefit.

Although, I do understand that most of these teachers do not tend to harm the kids, but the act in itself is hideous and intolerable. This just shows that the teacher is not in control of hisher emotions, urges and needs. The kids cannot be blamed for these acts. When a teacher who is grown up and who knows the rules and regulations, customs and moral values of the society cannot control the urges how can anyone expect a kid to control the urges (which might be the first time felt by himher with all the hormonal changes in them during the teenage). Whatever might be the psychological reasoning behind the action like troubled childhood, depression, loneliness or dependence, does not allow the teachers to get away with such an act. There are millions of people who would be suffering the same kind problems in life, but do they all resort to such hideous act No, I do not think so. I think these teachers take advantage of their powerful position in this relationship. They need not force the kid verbally or emotionally, but the mere fact that the teacher is interested in himher more than professionally is a pressure on the child, who finds no other way other than to circum to the needs of the teacher with or without personal gain. The school is also equally responsible. What kind of screening do they conduct if they cannot identify the personality of an individual who is going to shape the future of one human being The teachers should be expelled and their qualification should be ripped off as they are not eligible to deal with kids. Along with the school I think parents can also keep a track of their kids relationship with their teachers by talking to them and making them feel comfortable talking.


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