Financial Situation in Education

Education is basically the back born of development in any particular state, nation and economy. Human work force in any economy is developed when individuals go through training which is only accessible in form of education. Education is associated with different costs and this requires the decision of teachers, decision makers or children. Financial voice of a teacher is often the voice for children when it comes to financial situation in education. The teacher is supposed to analyze any costs that are associated with education and spread such costs among the children. Children on their part are supposed to inform their parents or guardians about the evaluation and thus make payments (George, 2006). To achieve anything, good an individual should be ready to make sacrifices thus for children to get quality education they are supposed to finance their education. Teachers decisions are often considered to be right and the amount pad by children is equivalent to the service they provide.

Financial situation in education creates an avenue for making  various decisions that make individuals to learn lessons One major lesson from financial situation in education is that for students to prosper  in life especially education sector, they are supposed to dig deep into their pockets. Teaching is an occupation and the teacher is usually the first beneficiary through salary. During the period of financial crisis, the level of education in various parts of the world went down due to lack of finance. This is a clear reason to show that without finance education will be adversely affected (George, 2006). The teacher should analyze the costs incurred in education and then share the costs among students and this will help to run the school in an effective manner.


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