
Some 50 years ago, homosexuality has been a subject deemed as taboo and immoral. In fact, most people believe that being homosexual is synonymous with being abnormal. During those years, gay and lesbians would experience a lot of discrimination, humiliation, abused, and even physical and verbal harassment. This is why most homosexuals prefer to conceal their identity or be in the closet primarily because of the fear of being judged and condemned by the society.

Sadly, nothing much has changed in our society. Although more and more gays are becoming more visible, it does not change that fact that gays are still very much discriminated and judged by the very society that they serve. For instance, hate crimes against the gay community are still very much prevalent. Apart from this, gay men are still singled out from institutions such as the military and the government. Similarly, there are still countries where gay rights remained unheard of. This includes their right to marriage and civil unions as well as their right to adoption and to parenting among many others. In popular culture, gays are also portrayed and depicted as mere laughing stock. This stereotype is evident in movies, television shows, and literature.

These only goes to show that a world that claims to be civilized is still living in a backward era. Instead of recognizing the capabilities and contribution of the gay community in the society, people still choose to see what is lacking and what is different. This paper will discuss these issues. It will start by giving an overview about the history of homosexuality. This research study will also provide an in depth look about homosexuality. This includes its nature, theories surrounding it, and social standing. From there, it will tackle the different issues and controversies faced by the homosexual community throughout the years. Finally, this research paper will tackle the future of homosexual in relation to the society.

History of Homosexuality
The roots of homosexuality can be traced back during the Ancient times. Numerous artifacts and evidences show that homosexuality has been prevalent in Ancient Greece. The most common same sex relation during this era was between adult men and adolescent boys. It was referred to as paiderastia which means boy love. This practice was seen as a rite to adulthood. In tribal communities, an adult man would take the responsibility of mentor where he would teach a young boy on the responsibilities of being a man (Greenberg David, 1990, p. 242).

Although this was a widespread practice, Ancient Greeks did not equate sexual orientation as a social identifier. This means that the Greeks did not distinguish sexual desire by gender but rather the role that an individual plays in sexual intercourse. This includes the passive penetrated and active penetrator. This passive and active role was associated with the individuals role in the society. The active role was linked to masculinity, which also equates with adulthood and higher social status. Consequently, the passive role was associated with femininity, youth, as well as lower social status.

Homosexuality is also common in Ancient Rome. In fact, this was depicted in numerous literary works, graffiti, and poems. However, the attitudes towards homosexuality continuously vary and change from time to time. During the era of the Early Republic, homosexuality was generally condemned as it was considered a degenerated Greek practice.

As the mid and late Republic approached, homosexual practice slowly became accepted. Unlike the Greeks there were a number of evidences that suggest that older Roman men preferred the passive role. Apart from this, the Romans see the same sex intercourse merely as a master and slave relationship (Greenberg, 1990, p. 242).

Homosexuality was also an accepted practice in South America during its pre-colonization period. Indigenous tribes believe that same sex preference or sexuality is simply two-spirit individuals. A child was given the choice to follow the path or gender that he or she wants to. From there, the parents would raise the child according to the role that he or she had chosen.

This practice was stopped when the Spanish conquerors arrived at the Americas. Christian missionaries were shocked to find out that sodomy was openly in this region. Thus, they tried to eliminate this by subjecting those who partake in this practice under severe punishments. This includes public execution and burning.

In the United States, the earliest record of homosexuality dates back during the first half of the 20th century. Statistics show that the states of New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco are the cities with a large gay population. Economic dislocation is one of the main reasons behind this. During this period, people were forced to transfer and work in big cities because of farm crises. Many of them found themselves living in a same sex environment such as in industrial and military settings for a long period of time. Those with homosexual inclination finally found the freedom to express their sexual preference without the fear of familial as well as religious disapproval.

Today, the belief regarding the immorality of homosexuality continues to be passed on from one generation to the next. Conservative religious beliefs became the primary reason why homosexuality was suppressed and eventually condemned in the society. Subsequently, many cultures started to regard this belief as true. In fact, most of the world now sees heterosexuality as the norm while homosexuality is seen as a perverted and immoral practice.

Nature of Homosexuality
The term homosexuality is defined as the sexual interest or behavior among the members of the same gender. In terms of sexual orientation, homosexuality refers to the disposition to experience and practice romantic and sexual attraction with people of the same sex. Depending on the culture and usage, homosexuality can be viewed either as a sexual orientation or as sexual identity. According to statistics, there are about 8.8 million homosexuals in the United States. This figure consists mainly of gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals (Rowson, 2004, p. 317).

Homosexuals or people who practice homosexuality can be either lesbians or gay. Lesbian is a term used to refer to describe a woman who prefers to have a sexual or romantic relationship with another woman. As a concept, the word lesbian can be used to describe female homosexuality. Similarly, this word can be used to describe a group of women that have common traits. This word however, did not appear until 1925. It was derived from the Greek island called Lesbos, which was the home of the poet Sappho. In her writings, Sappho would often focus on the beauty of women and even proclaimed her love for them.

According to reports, about 2.6 percent of the populations in the United States are lesbian. This includes adult and adolescent. This figure is somewhat small as compared to their male counterparts. Despite of their small population, lesbians have proven themselves successful at their respective fields. Most of them are college educated while others have created a name in the entertainment industry, business, and academe and many more (Rowson, 2004, p. 317).

On the other hand, gay or homosexuality has been a term used to refer to a man who is attracted to another man. Similar to lesbian, this term can be used as a noun that could refer to a person or to a group. It could also be used as an adjective to refer to something that connotes gayness such as the phrase Thats so gay. Other reference used for male homosexuality includes queer, homo, M-to-M, which stands for man to man.

The term however, can be used to refer to either sexual identity or sexual behavior. This means that sexual identity is not automatically synonymous with sexual behavior. For instance, a person may refer to himself as gay but this does not mean that he already has sexual experience with another man. This may simply translate to the attraction or inclination to be attracted with another individual of the same sex (Rowson, 2004, p. 317).

Alternatively, a man who engages in homosexual practices but refuses to identify himself as gay is referred to as closet gay. For most gay men, coming out of the closet is one of their most memorable experiences. It allowed them to experience a sense of freedom and emancipation. Some psychological studies on the other hand, assert that there are still numerous members of the gay community who prefers to hide in the closet primarily because of the fear of being judged and discriminated. This proves to be a major challenge especially in countries where homosexual discrimination and violence are very prevalent.

Causes of homosexuality
Throughout the years, various studies and researches have come up with theories and hypothesis regarded the cause of homosexuality. There have been a number of researches that suggest that homosexuality is a simply a matter choice. This means a man or a woman becomes a homosexual because of his or her free will. On the other hand, genetic science asserts that homosexuality is something that you are born with which also goes to say that it can be inherited or genetically passed on. Behavioral approaches, however, point out that homosexuality is largely affected by the childs environment and surroundings while he or she is growing up (American Psychological Association, 2009).

According to the gay by choice theory, homosexuality is simply a choice that a person makes. Many homosexual people admit that homosexuality is a natural instinct or something that they just feel they have. However, acting upon this natural feeling is a choice. A person can choose to either act upon that urges or not. In fact, there are a number of cases wherein a heterosexual man or woman chose to switch to homosexuality die to a number of factors. This includes the physical attraction or the emotional support that they receive from the same sex (American Psychological Association, 2009).
Contrary to this belief, numerous scientists argue that homosexuality is genetics. In 1993, a study showed that gay men had more gay relatives on the maternal side of the family as compared on the paternal side. These studies suggest that these gayness can be associated with a chromosome that is often referred to as the gay gene. This gene roots from the genetic make up of the mother that presents a large effect throughout the embryo thus, affecting the sexual orientation of an individual (American Psychological Association, 2009).

Some scientists on the other hand assert that hormones play a huge role in identifying fetal sex differentiation and ultimately the sexual orientation of a person upon adulthood. Several studies show that homosexual men have neurons located at the anterior part of the hypothalamus that is twice the size than that of a heterosexual man. This part of the brain is believed to not only control the emotions but also the sexual behavior. Likewise, this part of the brain also affects the prenatal hormones (American Psychological Association, 2009).

In female homosexuality, researches showed that a female fetus that developed with high levels of androgen tend to exhibit characteristics that are more masculine. As such, most of these girls grow up with a masculinized identity. This trait becomes even more nurtured especially if the girl has a strong male figure (American Psychological Association, 2009).

Apart from the choice and nature theory of homosexuality, many people also believe that this sexual preference is largely influenced by the environment. A childs family for instance, plays a huge role on a childs sexual identity formation. For instance, men who grew up with a rejecting and strict father tend to have a closer relationship with their mother. Other factors could also include a child growing up in an environment with women as the only figure to look up to. Apart from this homosexuals relationship are often linked with a persons childhood memory having of divorced parents or absent fathers.

A persons culture also plays a major role in his or her sexual orientation. Studies suggest that cultures that rewards the hunters have very little or no homosexuals. Consequently, a culture that is more tolerant of this practice tends to have more homosexual men and women. This only means that an environment that does not exhibit any resistance to homosexuality, allows the person to pursue whatever sexual preferences they want.

Violence and discrimination against Homosexual
Violence against homosexuals is still very much widespread in different parts of the world. Every year, reports about harassment, prejudice, and discrimination continues to increase at an overwhelming rate. In 2004 alone, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that about 15.6 percent of hate crimes in the United States were fueled because of sexual orientation. What is even more alarming is that 61 percent were cases about attacks against gay men while the remaining slot were violence against lesbians. These crimes were often done with such physical violence that it often causes the victim to be confined for months and even die (Emedicine, 2008).

In some countries, consensual sexual acts between two individuals are punishable by death. This includes the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Iran, Mauritania, Yemen, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia. In the country of Iran, the government has already sentenced some 4,000 people to death because of homosexuality charges. Fortunately, organizations such as the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International condemn and criticize such practices (Emedicine, 2008).

The injustices committed against the gay community however do not end in the streets. It also happens within the confines of the workplace. In fact, discrimination against gay people in the work place stands as the second most pervasive threat right after violence. Luckily, the government is now doing everything it can to ensure that everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, has equal working opportunity.

Modern societal Attitude towards Homosexuality
The gay community is now becoming more and more visible. However, attitudes towards homosexuality vary from one culture to another. This is because each culture has different values and beliefs when it comes to sexuality, sexual activity, relationships, as well as sexual desires. Most of the time, the society decrees a certain kind of norm that everyone should follow. Individuals who go against such norms are labeled as different, rebellious, and in this case, queer.

In countries where in religion is law, the societal acceptance of homosexuality is still widely objected. One reason behind this is that most religious groups believe that the only real gender is man and woman. Any relationship between the same sex is considered immoral and sinful. Judaism for instance, looks at homosexuality as unacceptable as it goes against their religious laws (Rowson, 2004, p. 317).

Consequently, Islam rules homosexuality as well as any acts between people of the same sex as adultery. Anyone who performs such actions is deemed as corrupt primarily because he or she goes against the harmony of sexes that God has created. Therefore, homosexuality is regarded as a deliberate revolt against God.  The Islams belief about homosexuality is further emphasized in the story of the people of Lot who were destroyed because of their immoral activities. One of which was their homosexual behavior (Rowson, 2004, p. 317).

Traditionally, Christianity condemned any acts of homosexuality primarily because of the belief that sexual acts outside of marriage are immoral. Conservative Christians are especially firm with the belief that homosexuality is wrong and that it should not be accepted in the society (Boswell, 1980, 119). Today however, more Christians are opened to the idea that a person, regardless of his or her preference is a wonderful creation of God. Thus, both gay and lesbians also deserve to be treated with respect and dignity just like any child of God.

Politics is another realm by which attitudes about homosexuality varies. There are governments that neither support nor reject homosexuals. Today however, the gay community is doing everything they can to make their voices heard. Both gay and lesbian organizations are partaking in the political arena with the intent of asserting their rights. Gay movements such as the gay pride are creating awareness among people that sexual orientation is inherent and that diversity is a gift. Every year, parades are held all over the world to celebrate homosexuality (Media Awareness Network., 2009).

Homosexuals are often portrayed in the media. Some media however, often ascribes a certain gay stereotype that is not only demeaning but insulting as well. Over the years, medias representation of a homosexual is a man who is loud, obnoxious, deceitful, and someone who dresses flamboyantly. Lesbians on the other hand are, often portrayed as someone that is man-like or someone who is inferior to the male gender. It was only recently, when the media started to portray the gay community in a different light. The popularity of television programs such as Will and Grace and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy only show that the media is now becoming more sensitive on how to portray the homosexual community. Other mainstream media mediums such as film and print are also sanitizing the portrayal of both gay and lesbians. Apart from this popular gay personalities such as Ellen Degeneres, continue to prove that gay people are also talented, and successful (Media Awareness Network., 2009).

Today more than ever, it is becoming more evident that the gay community is thriving hard to succeed in their chosen fields. In media for instance, gay individuals are commended for their excellence in work, commitment, and discipline. Of course, the line of fashion can never be without the creative passion of the gays and lesbians (Media Awareness Network., 2009, 1).

Gay and lesbian movements
As the society is slowly starting to make a shift about their views about homosexuality the gay community is also doing everything it can to offer the public the awareness and education they need in order to fully understand homosexuality. The good thing about these movements is that the homosexual community uses these organizations and campaigns to make their voices heard, in a non-violent way. Through these movements, gay people advocate for their rights.

One of the most popular gay movements is gay pride. This concept is used by the gay community to celebrate their individuality and uniqueness. It is typically represented by a rainbow flag and is celebrated annually through parades. This celebration is held in different parts of the world and is attended by millions of homosexuals.

Apart from this popular event, there are numerous organizations in different parts of the world that campaigns not just for gay rights but ultimately for gender equality. Some of these movements are placed in certain institutions such as the academe and even the government. For instance, several gay groups are now being formed in colleges and universities in order to stop harassments against homosexuals. These groups are focused on helping homosexual teenagers or students on how to deal with peer abuses, verbal discriminations, and many more. Likewise, there are also a number of gay party list that campaigns for a position in the public office. Such party lists are geared towards campaigning bills that advocate for gay human rights.

Homosexuals relationship with the society has truly changed throughout times. However, the quest for gender equality is still going to be far cry if people choose to remain uneducated and unaware about homosexuality. Instead of condemning these individuals, people should seek for other ways and acknowledge the contribution that this group did for our society.

This can be done only through education and awareness. Educational institution should openly discuss homosexuality not as something that is immoral but rather as a subject that requires much understanding and awareness. Similarly, the community should also strive to find ways on how educate everyone about the gift of diversity. This means that instead of focusing on our differences, every one should look for the only binds everyone together regardless of their sexual orientation--- our humanity.


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