Inequality, Hate Groups, and Tolerance

Part I
Hate Groups, Comparing Different States   
    In North Carolina, it is quite surprising to find that the total number of hate groups present amounts to 29. Of course, in comparison to Virginia, one of North Carolinas neighboring states which only have 22 known hate groups such a number may seem considerably greater. However, upon looking at the information regarding the amount of hate groups in other neighboring states, South Carolina and Tennessee having 36 and 37 groups respectively, the amount of North Carolinas hate group pales in comparison. Interestingly, testament to the scope of such groups, even in states far from North Carolina such as Indiana for example both White Nationalists and Black Separatists are present as well. 

Thoughts and Insights, Synthesis of Learning
    From completing this portion of the assignment, it becomes clear that hate groups are present throughout the United States. Furthermore, it would be appropriate to assume that the more prominent hate groups are well represented in each state, having a number of locations spread throughout the nation to spread and accomplish their agenda. Hence, given the extent in which hate may already be a problem in America, it would only be necessary to be vigilant of the possible harmful actions of such groups and in addition it is essential to positively influence individuals and the population as a whole in terms of accepting and adopting tolerance. 

Part II
Symbol, Meaning, and History   
    The fourteen words, a number symbol, which means We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children is a cry of members of The Order which  while such a statement has not been coined by its founder, Robert Mathews, it is nonetheless first delivered and expressed by an influential member named David Lane even after the White Supremacist group has been disbanded (Anti-Defamation League ADL, 2005). Throughout its existence though, The Order is undeniably a dangerous group which utilized violence to achieve its goals, originally taking root from the influence of the National Alliance. Specifically, during the height of the groups actions throughout the 1980s it accomplished acts of terror such as specified killings of individuals against its cause and even conducted bombings alongside such furthermore, theft was also accomplished which may have been utilized to support their cause as well as those who have similar aims in mind (ADL, 2005).

Outcomes, General Realizations and Conclusions
     Eventually though, as previously noted, the group ceased to exist as its members were soon caught by authorities and appropriately sentenced for the crimes that they have committed. The Orders influence has not been immediately extinguished as dismantling the groups and placing a number of its members in jail was not enough to spread their thoughts and gain support. As a matter of fact, the abovementioned fourteen words were delivered by Lane while he was in jail (ADL, 2005). The general notion that I have gained in this assignment is that while disbanding such a group may technically be accomplished if its members are put into justice, the task of subduing the detrimental and influential effects of their philosophy is a more considerable and challenging concern for the government.  

Part III
Who is Alex Curtis and What Does His Group Stand For   
    Alex Curtis is both a radical and an extremist with strict views regarding the nature and real identity of the United States government, believes that actions should be done in order to save the White population in America from an encompassing act of genocide. Specifically, he, as well as his supporters, claims that the government which currently control and oversee the White race are entirely but not visibly controlled or manipulated by the Jews in relation to this, Curtis points out that combining races in America would result in the termination of the White people and hence all means should be accomplished to prevent such an outcome from materializing (ADL, 2000). The United States government, which they refer to as the Zionist Occupation Government ZOG, as Curtis group perceives it is not a representation of the White race but instead of the Jews.

How Does His Group Feel About the United States Government
    To further expound upon such a point, it is interesting to highlight the fact that Curtis claimed the following in his site The United States government is our worst enemy. US ZOG government, it does not represent us, and it is forcibly holding power over us as a hostile occupation force (ADL, 2000). Hence, it is clear that Curtis views the government not only as non-representative of the local population of White Americans, but as a modern-day tool for invasion. Interestingly, such views regarding the government are not merely expressed in general means. Particular instructions on how to communicate with lawmakers and officials further highlight his stance against the United States government Curtis notes that when communicating with the aforementioned individuals, one should not utter words other than I have nothing to say (ADL, 2000).      

Part IV
Hate Music Web Search
    Upon searching for hate music in Google, I found out that while results pertaining to hate music and additional information regarding it are present most of the initial search results would just include claims and statements regarding how people hate certain music. In this sense, while hate music is indeed existent, serving to further spread the philosophies of hate groups, a quick search for information pertaining to hate music may not yield the best results for gaining access to pertinent and reliable pages. Further specificity in searching may be required. Also, it is interesting to note that, given the selection of search results not really pertaining to the topic of hate music, it would be safe to assume that hate music is not commonly searched for in the web and is not readily and commonly accessed by a vast majority. 

Hate Group Philosophy Identification and Opinion
    The aims and goals of the National Alliance is based upon the central notion or philosophy that being individuals of Aryan descent they are tasked to develop optimally in all aspects throughout life while at the same time being subject to the laws of nature and accepting that inequality is but a natural occurrence and a byproduct of different paces in improvement (National Alliance, n.d.). Considering the emphasis of the natural law, wherein the fittest survive, it explains why members of the group are vigilant to contradict notions of tolerance and equality. Personally though, while such a philosophy may seem logical and in part competitive, it is the application of such a notion in reality that becomes problematic as there are no clear limits in the race for supremacy. 

Insights on Educational Programs
    The Conflict Resolution Program is quite promising in terms of its potential benefits in reducing prejudice and discrimination. To further explain, throughout a yearly activity done at Fall Creek YMCA, adults guide and teach hundreds of children in learning non-violent manners of resolving conflicts (International Committee of the Red Cross, 2005). Considering that prejudice and discrimination often results in hatred and violence, allowing the youth to learn proper conflict resolution skills is necessary for the abovementioned cause. As generally known, proper conflict resolution entails a fair consideration of the points made by each party involved, thus it is appropriate to assume that throughout the activity the children learn to view individuals in a fair and equal manner regardless of their roots.


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