Ethics in Health Care

Researches have in the past time after time contributed to the progress of science and research advancement has been an important condition of the progress made in science. Empiric researches have been the foundation for the development of the modern-day science. Researches have been a major benefit to the modern day medicine as the introduction of new medicaments and medications requires deep research and testing so as to prove the efficiency and safety for human wellbeing. It is at this point that a number of questions regarding ethical issues emerge. All researches for instance involve living organisms which include animals and man in the last stage of the research and experiments. The major question that lingers in the minds of many at that point is whether medical researches are justified or not (The Ethical Issue, 1995).

Role of Belmont report
The Belmont report played a major role in identifying the ethical issues that should act as a guide to all biomedical research and experiments. This report was also aimed at providing principles and guidelines to help in resolving the issues regarding the use of human subjects in research.

Ethical issues
According to Thompson (2005), in the process of developing the modern day medicine, all the principles and outcomes of the research should be clearly stated. Medical ethics play a major role in ensuring that the health of patients is protected and also all forms of harm that a treatment can cause a patient are eliminated. All in all, the progress of science and particularly medicine cannot occur without researches and experiments.

The requirements of these experiments to test medicaments which can be used to treat various illnesses bring in the deviation of the medical researches. However, if the practical part of the experiments is looked at, they will help a great number of patients suffering from various illnesses. This is because they are aimed at developing new and effective medicaments (Dickman, 2000). If that reason was to be considered, then the use of animals and humans in the experiments would be regarded as just. In order to obtain a reliable data on the effects of a certain form of medicament, medical researches require testing as a part of the process. No one can make a conclusion of the effects of a certain medication or form of treatment without the involvement of living beings in testing it. These testing help in ensuring the safety of new medicaments and thus eliminate the dangerous side effects that might result (Mossman, 1997).

However, according to the Ethical Issue (1995), there is one major reason as to why experiments involving either humans or animals or both cannot be ethically justified. This is because the life of animals is put to danger without their consent so that others, either people or other animals might benefit. When human beings are considered, it is not always that a conscious consent of a patient is involved. This is because patients are in desperate condition and mainly tend to accept any form of treatment offered to them (Atac et al., 2005).

Researches and experimental procedures are seen to be useful when looked at from a practical point of view. This can lead to their justification. However, these researches and experiments have been shown to threaten the lives and health of a few individuals and also animals. Therefore if human point of view was to be considered, these experiments are unjust.


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