The Gender, Race and Class issue in the society

There is a strong relationship between crime and discriminations along gender, race and class lines. These kinds of discriminations form a monumental hindrance to the achievement of a just society. Additionally, they form the basis on which opportunities are denied or accorded. It is no wonder then that the society in the US has become more inequitable which in turn has given rise to increased crime, violence and all manner of vice. A lot has been achieved and discrimination is frowned upon especially in most public forums. However, more needs to be done to understand gender, race and class discrimination in order to curb this type of injustice. Then efforts to create a more just and peaceful society will begin to bear fruit.

The Gender, Race and Class issue in the society
Gender, race and class have been topics of interest in many forums and especially so whenever immigration and criminal issues are concerned. Scholars, leaders, citizens and workers have encountered quite a number of challenges in trying to deal with the crime problem in multiracial, class-stratified society.   A lot of people have gotten into discussing this matter without clear facts on the subject. Several theories have also been developed as a means of trying to critically understand what is meant by gender, race, and class and generally be informed of their impact in the society. Many approaches to the issue of gender, race and class inequality have placed its importance just within the context of collective arrangements. However, many of these theories fail to acknowledge and explore the responsibilities of privileged member groups.
    Discrimination is usually represented in terms of personal attitude and prejudice the use of the terms like racist and sexist is witnessed. According to me, discrimination based on gender, race and class, is the root cause of a lot of social evil that is being witnessed in the U.S and in the entire globe. Gender inequality for a long time now has been related to be a great problem in men. Immigration and Crime tend to have a strong link, and the big question that people do ask themselves is whether immigration increases crime (Pease, B  Flood, M. 2004). Undoubtedly, the answer is yes due to the fact there is an increase in population. But this statement above may be biased due to the fact that immigrants may be accorded a different treatment to that given to citizens. Immigrants and the dark skinned people are more vulnerable than other citizens to arrest, detain convict and imprison (The Immigration Debate studies368). Discrimination was witnessed from as far back as the 19th Century when the U.S Congress passed a bill to bar immigrant carriers of contagious diseases who were also perceived to be immoral people. This later prompted the general public into getting a negative perception of immigrants. Alcohol use and drunkenness among these groups was associated with crime and violence and these perceptions facilitated the passage of prohibition.
Social problems like crime arise from a class isolation of poor citizens, racial minorities as well as immigrants. Racial isolation has been witnessed in instances whereby racial minorities were geographically separated from whites as they were widely considered to be inferior. This has an effect on the opportunities presented to the privileged and unprivileged groups. Class on the other hand is the major contributing factor to the rise of projects ghettos for the poor in the society.
    Earlier scholars argued that criminal behavior was as a product of biological factors, race included. Personally I disagree with their views and suggest that other circumstances, such as social and economic conditions are key factors to criminal behavior irrespective of their race. People do get involved in crime due to many reasons other than those related to gender, race and class. I know it is practically possible if all of us work towards preventing discrimination against the minorities in any society. This would go a long way in ensuring safer neighborhoods.
It is important to recognize that some men are instrumental in fostering equitable gender relation and such roles must highly be supported and boosted.  Gender, racial and class discrimination has been promoted by a select few to further their selfish interests. The onus is on the media, the general public and all persons of goodwill to embrace others and act fairly and be at the forefront in promoting universal ideals that will make our world a better place for all.


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