Dreaming. Fighting. Believing.

Dreaming. Fighting. Believing. Three words that keep the Trojanators move forward towards its goal on working hand-in-hand with various educational institutions in providing students achieve a better life.
The team, which is composed of four members that specializes in different fields, primarily aims to address the needs of the students from Carver Middle School in their needs for an after school program and CDTech in its goals to train their students for their respective careers after graduation.
The Dream
   In order for the Tronajator team to carry on with its plans, we are looking to keep an eye on the following implementing an efficient and effective program that aims to motivate the children to stick to their dreams for a brighter future focusing on an after school science and technology enrichment program through Carver Middle School Boeing program and incorporating a learning environment that will entertain the learner.
As such is still a work in progress for various steps will still have to be undertaken for the project to go on full swing. First, the team will have to establish a good rapport between the school and the community. Next are the proposal for the projects logistics and curriculum and finally, the financial aspect of this educational venture.
Every step must be thoroughly planned and even though the project reaches its on-going status, the group will continue to think of ways to improve the systemall of which only aims to achieve the Trojanators goal.
The Fight
Statistically speaking, the education level in the community is far from the ideal with one-third of the adult population who are high school undergraduates 40 of the neighborhoods residents belong to the poverty line and more than half of them are not even fluent in the English language.
As for the Carver Middle School, in specific, a lot are lacking the students with their motivation to achieve, mentors who doesnt engage on follow-up learning methods outside the institution incentive measures to stimulate continuous learning and skills to guarantee survival in the high school level. This might also be contributed to a low teacher-student ratio, thus minimizing the attention that a student needs to be able to secure an educational growth. But with CDTechs and Trojanators in-lined goals, the team is projecting a high success rate.
For the projects logistics, the team is eyeing the use of various CDTech facilities twice a week after school hours since the center is just a few walking distance away from Carver. Volunteers from USC and the community will be maximized and the financial support will be coming from Boeing, Good Neighbors Campaign and other prospect contributors.
The neighborhood will also be playing a big part in this program for it is through them that the project will be getting a huge percentage of their volunteers and support. The community service will inculcate classroom learning in a manner that understanding theories and concepts is more informed because they are related to the reality.
In order to retain the students interest in the scheme, we came up with a more interactive and social method to further their learning experience a study buddy system will be initialized various exposure trips will be organized guest speakers will also be invited for the purpose of inspiring the students.

The Belief
Introducing this program to the community is a great responsibility. With us getting involved with the students educational process is a make or break situation. The way we are going to handle the project will be a great factor for the students. The main goal is to inspire them, and the team is truly hoping for a positive result.
From the start, the group knows that this project is no easy task but with the help of various sectors, we believe that nothing is impossible and the fruit of such labors is priceless. From the creation of the curriculum to looking for the perfect center and up until the search for the projects funding, everything is but just a labor of love.
Continuous improvement of the project and the team will be regularized to ensure that the never ceases to go onwards its mission to be of help to the community in creating a brighter future.


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