Why is communicating scientific ideas to the public so important

For the widespread adoption of a new scientific technology it is important to take public into confidence and for that a proper communication of a technology is important , sometimes when this is not been done , the outright rejection of the technology is possible. The fear of adoption plays a tremendous role in almost every new scientific breakthrough.

It can be easily said that newer generation is quicker to adapt to change in scientific discoveries however, technological discoveries are much easily accepted such as cell phone, internet and computer. Now we see even people of older age using Ipod and Iphone and texting.

In this essay we will look at several recent discoveries and their widespread adoption or rejection based on the proper communication of their basic scientific idea. If the scientific idea has been propagated in a good manner or if the technology has been very favorable than it has been adopted widely else it has been rejected.

Scientific Discoveries
The world has progressed at a tremendous rate thanks to the advancement of science. Today the world we see is because of the past discoveries such as antibiotics.

Computer internet communication has made the integration of the technologies easier as people can read more about the pros and cons. Today a major problem of communicating the scientific ideas to the public exists in an appropriate manner so that the technology is accepted and utilized.

For example the whole world thinks that the nuclear power is horrific but this isnt true, today 14 of the electricity is produced through nuclear power but unfortunately it has been advertized in a incorrect manner and the common people think that nuclear power is bad and it is used only to make weapons which is not true at all.

Another example could be of Viagra which has largely been considered a drug that is used to enhance the sexual powers but in effect its use is prohibited without the proper recommendation of the physician as this drug is used to tread erectile dysfunction and if used otherwise could be a reason leading to death.

The concept of test tube table when first developed took the world to surprise and many considered it as a form of adultery but the science had advanced so much that it was possible for the couple to have a baby even though if they had some deficiencies, this important scientific contribution was important to be communicated to the public.

Similarly for a long period of time it was debated that global warming was actually occurring but now it is an established fact that global warming is actually occurring. It was important to communicate and make the public realize this fact because the way we are living needs to be change significantly. It means that we cannot have gasoline based cars and instead the cars with chargeable batteries would be introduced and promoted. This idea is necessary because if we want to make our world a better place to live we need to take some radical actions and this is possible only if these scientific ideas are properly communicated to the public at large.

A recent scientific discovery that Marijuana provides relief to patients who are suffering from cancer, AIDS, and even depression is a major discovery and it is important to communicate  this discovery effectively to the public that its use can help the suffering community but for a very long time Marijuana has been considered as an illicit drug and it is very difficult to change the publics perception. In US today when the government has been communicated the importance of Marijuana very well and they are considering to make the use of Marijuana legal   It has been found very difficult to change the perception of the general public about it.

We can easily see from the above discussed scientific discoveries that any scientific discovery can become controversial if it is not correctly communicated or advertised. It has also been seen that the general public is able to adopt a technological change much more easily than  any scientific advancement.

In this essay we discussed several examples of  important scientific discoveries that needed to be properly communicated to the public for their proper adoption and that too because of the good of the humanity, when the technologies are not communicated well these were out rightly rejected by the people. We are bound to say in the end that without a proper communication of the importance of any new scientific discovery it would be impossible to bring it into acceptable use and something that is not seen with the eyes of suspicion. The public support is important for the advancement of the technology and eradicating fear is the key to ending resistance to new scientific breakthroughs.


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